
jesu n.〔古語〕=Jesus〔尤用于呼格〕。


This meanwhile this good sister stood by the door and begged them at the reverence of jesu our alther liege lord to leave their wassailing for there was above one quick with child a gentle dame , whose time hied fast 此刻,善良之護士佇立門口,懇請眾人出于對我等祭壇主耶穌之敬畏,中止歡宴,因樓上一位有身孕之貴婦即將分娩。

You cannot read the bible honestly , intelligently , critically and constructively and disregard the stories of moses , noah , david , the prophets and , finally , jesu 只要你誠實地有智慧地批判地建設性地去讀圣經,去讀摩西挪亞大衛眾先知和耶穌的事跡

In one session with him , the therapist played bach s jesu , joy of man s desiring . the boy began to weep 在一次治療中,醫生播放巴赫的耶穌人類渴望的喜樂,男孩便開始流淚。

The greatest journey in the world is when you accept an invitation from god to come and meet jesu 當你接受神的邀請跟耶穌相遇,世界最偉大的旅程便會展開

Jesu , the fuckin ' cavalry 耶穌,該死期的騎兵。