
jester n.1.愛說笑話的人。2.小丑,(中世紀的)弄臣。


Jester determines if the tests succeed by checking what s been printed , so program output to Jester要通過檢查打印的內容來判斷測試是否成功,所以對

We ' re jesters from up in big cliff , coming down and check out your place . this it 我們是玩摩托車的,從北邊來看看你們這地方. . .就是這兒嗎?

Jester : you ' re not gonna shoot me , are you ? if you do , i ' ll die , you know 杰斯特:你不會想要射死我,對吧?如果你那么干了,我會死的,你知道。

Jester works much more reliably if you add all the necessary jar files and directories to the )如果把全部必要的jar文件和目錄都添加到

If they don t , jester won t know if its changes have broken anything 如果不是這樣,那么jester就無法知道是不是它的修改造成了破壞。

Jester made 11 changes to the class , and only one caused the tests to fail Jester對類進行了11項修改,而只有一項造成測試失敗。

A jester or buffoon 取笑者或丑角

As the method to test because it was the last error jester reported 作為所測試的方法也只是因為它是jester報告的最后一個錯誤。

You ll produce more - robust software by testing a code base with jester 使用jester對代碼基進行測試,可以制造出更強壯的軟件。

Anybody can read the crest . that wouldn ' t prove we ' re jesters . not cool 只要能識字的不都能證明他們是騎客了嗎?一點都不靈

Is a more traditional test coverage tool that nicely complements jester 是一個更傳統的測試覆蓋工具,是jester的有益補充。

Jester : you are wounded and weak . even i can do … … this to you 杰斯特:你受到重創并且虛弱。甚至連我都能夠… …對你這樣!

Jester is an important addition to the agile programmer s toolbox Jester是聰明的程序員的工具包中一個重要的附加。

I ll demonstrate jester by using it on the open source jaxen xpath tool see 我將通過在開源的jaxen xpath工具(參閱

Jester : you are wounded and weak . even i can do ? ? this to you 杰斯特:你受了重傷并且虛弱了。連我都能夠? ?打敗你!

Jester : this is amazing ! even the devil boy is no match for it 杰斯特:太令人驚奇了!連惡魔小子也不是他的對手!

Test your tests with jester 用jester對測試進行測試

Jester : this is amazing ! even the devil boy is no match for it 杰斯特:太不可思議了!連惡魔小子也搞不定它!

The cap of a jester , decorated to resemble the comb of a rooster 小丑的帽子小丑的帽子,裝飾得像公雞的肉冠