
jest n.1.玩笑,笑話,俏皮話。2.戲謔,詼諧;打趣。3.笑...


There was no more jesting now - the company were at court 大家不再開玩笑了,仿佛都置身于宮廷。

Don ' t jest about such important matters 這麼重要的事情可不要當兒戲

He that can jest at love has never loved 嘲笑愛情的人一定從未愛過。

Cried caderousse , “ ah , sir , do not jest with me ! “啊!先生,您不是在跟我開玩笑吧? ”

Using pressure in jest 99 pure oxygen 利用無針式無痛氣壓將高達99純氧及

Better lose a jest than a friend 寧可不說一句俏皮話,以免得罪朋友們。

Well , this is no jesting matter , he said “要知道,這不是鬧著玩的! ”

Not at all : they are full of jests and gaiety “一點也沒有大家都開開玩笑,快快樂樂。 ”

It began as a jest and ended as a tragedy 事情以玩笑開始,以悲劇告終。

Gob , there s many a true word spoken in jest 嘿,笑話里包含著不少實話。

“ what , still keeping up this silly jest “什么!還要開這種無聊的玩笑嗎?

The athletes liked to jest with the other students 那些運動員喜歡取笑其它的學生。

If you make a jest , you must take a jest 愛開玩笑的人,也要經得住別人開玩笑

A shout of laughter followed this brutal jest 這個殘酷的玩笑引起了一陣哄堂大笑。

His reply was taken half seriously , half in jest 他的答覆看來是半開玩笑半認真的

But this time you ve said it jest one time too many 不過,這一回,你算是白說啦。

Mary always jests about her feelings towards him 瑪麗總是拿她對他的感情來開玩笑

Said the baroness , half jesting , half in earnest 男爵夫人半開玩笑半認真地反問。

It relies mainly on exaggeration, and a blending of jest and earnest, which has the effect, as in their negro melodies, of singing comic words to a sad tune . 它主要依靠的是夸大和莊諧的揉合,這就產生了象黑人唱歌時用悲調唱滑稽歌詞那種效果。