
jessie n.潔西〔女子名〕。


Jessie : what about slow romantic songs 杰西:緩慢浪漫的歌曲怎么樣?

Jessie : who will be the lucky guy today 杰西:今天誰會成為幸運的人?

Jessie : of course you are invited . you will be the dj 杰西:當然邀請你參加了。你要做dj !

Jessie : shop ! shop until i couldn ' t shop any more 杰西:購物!購物!直到不能再買了為止。

Jessie : i think i have a crush on a boy in my class 杰西:我想我迷上我班上的一個男孩了。

Jessie : oh yeah ! he was a real loser 捷西卡:是的,他真是一個失敗者!

Jessie , can you do something about your son 杰西,你能去管管你兒子嗎

Jessie : i really feel like dancing , tina 杰西:我真的很想跳舞,蒂娜。

Jessie : that takes a lot of courage sometimes though 杰西:但有的時候這需要很大的勇氣。

Jessie : maybe . is it a slow love song 杰西:也許。那是一首慢的情歌嗎?

Jessie : do you think that music can teach you something 杰西:你認為音樂能教你東西嗎?

Jessie : so i wouldn ' t see anyone who knew me at all 杰西:這樣我就一個熟人也碰不到了。

And i had a chance to review jessie ' s records 我有機會讀到了潔西的檔案

Jessie scott ! come on ! - scott , let ' s go -斯科特!快點! -斯科特,我們走

Mother : here they come . - jessie : oh , hey there ! there you are -他們來了-哦,你來啦

Jessie : hi tina . you look kinda sleepy 杰西:你好,蒂娜。你看起來很困。

No . you can ' t move as quick as i can . - jessie 不.你沒有我跑得快. -杰西

[ jessie ] let ' sjust do what we gotta do and get out ofihere 讓我們把事辦完就趕快走吧

Jessie : what do you think happens when you die 杰西:你認為你死的時候會發生什么事情?