
jessica n.潔西卡〔女子名〕。


Jessica : it ' s about time . is it good news or bad 杰茜卡:時候也到了。是好消息還是壞消息?

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“ i guess papa s gone , “ said jessica “我猜爸已經走了, ”杰西卡說。

Jessica doesn t want to stay until the end of the races . 杰西卡不愿意等賽馬結束再走。 ”

James took one look at jessica and began to laugh 詹姆斯朝杰西卡看了一眼接著便笑了起來。

Jessica imagined herself becoming a pretty princess 杰西卡想象自己變成了一位美麗的公主。

And their chiidren , denise and jessica 還有他們的孩子,特里斯和杰西卡

Jessica ' s anything but a cold fish , all right 潔西卡不是個冰美人,好嗎

Mm52 . com : jessica alba pictures , biography 杰西卡艾爾芭圖片和介紹mm52 . com : jessica alba

Jessica : that ' s fine with me , edward , good - bye 我無所謂,愛德華,再見。

Jessica : i have my own life , too , you know , edward 愛德華,你知道,我也有自己的生活。

Wait , what ? jessica , i can ' t hear you 等等,什么? jessica ,我聽不見你了

Looking at old jessica lange bathing suit stills , why 看杰西卡?蘭的老泳裝照,為什么?

Let ' s go have a little chat about jessica martin , huh 讓我們去談談jessica martin ,恩

. . . and their chiidren , denise and jessica 還有他們的孩子,特里斯和杰西卡

They kidnapped jessica martin and her family 他們綁架了jessica martin一家

You hate jessica , you ' re good at this science crap 你恨潔西卡,你又擅長這些科學垃圾

Jake put a bucket on jessica ' s head , and it ' s stuck 把這個貼在jessica的額頭上就行了