
jesse n.1.杰西〔男子名,Jess 為其昵稱〕。2.【宗教】...

jesse tree

They ' re coming down . all right , jesse . you ready 他們下去了,沒事了杰西,你準備好了嗎

And jesse told me that he wanted to plead guilty 杰西告訴我他要認罪。

Soon , jesse and rob surfed at every opportunity 很快的,杰西和羅伯把握著每個沖浪的機會

Jesse i bought a chair , but i didn ' t like it 我買了張椅子但我不喜歡它

Eighteen - year - old jesse friedman also stands accused 十八歲的杰西也成為

Neither do we have an inheritance in the son of jesse 我們在耶西的兒子身上并沒有產業。

Now david , the son of jesse , was king over all israel 耶西的兒子大衛作以色列眾人的王。

Jesse : so , mom , how can we afford something so big 媽媽,我們怎么買得起那么大的房子?

And booz begat obed of ruth , and obed begat jesse 波阿斯從路得氏生俄備得俄備得生耶西

Hey , jesse . she is on an airplane , okay 喂,杰西,她還在飛機上,知道嗎

Jesse pulls up coming home from school 杰西熄了火,他是剛從學校回到家,

I received a telephone call from jesse asking to see me 我接到一個電話,杰西要見我。

My brother and jesse kept saying they ' re innocent 我的哥哥和杰西一直說他們是無辜的。

Who jesse had even teased as a child or called a name 虐待過的孩子或者叫出個名字來。

You and jesse get up there , write a couple of songs , 你和耶西一起寫幾首歌

[ jesse ] i bought a chair , but i didn ' t like it 我買了張椅子但我不喜歡它

- we ' ll see how it goes , okay ? - jesse : yeah -我們看情況發展如何,好嗎? -對

Yiya : dr . qq ! come here . benben and jesse are here Qq博士,快來。笨笨和耶西在這里!

Benben : look , jesse ! twelve ants on the cake 看,耶西,蛋糕上有12只螞蟻!