
jessamine n.=jasmin(e).


A pair of new inodorous halfsilk black ladies hose , a pair of new violet garters , a pair of outsize ladies drawers of india mull , cut on generous lines , redolent of opoponax , jessamine and muratti s turkish cigarettes and containing a long bright steel safety pin , folded curvilinear , a camisole of baptiste with thin lace border , an accordion underskirt of blue silk moirette , all these objects being disposed irregularly on the top of a rectangular trunk , quadruple battened , having capped corners , with multicoloured labels , initialled on its fore side in white lettering b . c . t . brian cooper tweedy 一雙嶄新沒有氣味半絲質的黑色女長筒襪,一副紫羅蘭色新襪帶,一條印度細軟薄棉布做的大號女襯褲,剪裁寬松,散發著苦樹脂素馨香水和穆拉蒂牌土耳其香煙的氣味,還別著一根锃亮的鋼質長別針,折疊成曲線狀。一件鑲著薄花邊的短袖麻紗襯衣,一條藍紋綢百褶襯裙。這些衣物都胡亂放在一只長方形箱蓋上:四邊用板條釘牢,四角是雙層的,貼著五顏六色的標簽,正面用白字寫有首字b . c . t布賴恩庫珀特威迪。

Andrea had not spoken without cause of the pretty rooms looking out upon the court of the bell tavern , which with its triple galleries like those of a theatre , with the jessamine and clematis twining round the light columns , forms one of the prettiest entrances to an inn that you can imagine 安德烈稱贊鐘瓶旅館那些向院子的房間漂亮,不是沒有原因的,原來鐘瓶旅館的門口象歌劇院一樣,有三重門廊,兩旁的廊柱上纏著一些素馨花和鐵線蓮,看上去是一個最美麗的進口。

Monte cristo , on stepping into the house , heard a sigh that was almost a deep sob ; he looked in the direction whence it came , and there under an arbor of virginia jessamine , with its thick foliage and beautiful long purple flowers , he saw merc 伯爵在踏進那座房子的時候聽見一聲好象啜泣一樣的嘆息他循望過去,那兒,在一個素馨木架成的涼棚底下,在濃密的枝葉和紫色的細長花朵的下面,他看見美塞苔絲正在垂頭哭泣。

A minute afterwards the blinds were thrown open , and through the jessamine and clematis that overhung the window one could see the garden ornamented with lanterns , and the supper laid under the tent 一分鐘以后,百葉窗全部打開了,透過那些垂下素馨花和女萎草的窗口,可以看到點綴著各色燈籠的花園和擺列在帳幕底下的宴席。

The yellow jessamine bloomed late and covered the fences and filled the clearing with its sweetness 黃色的茉莉花遲遲地開了,鋪滿了柵欄,用芳香填滿了那片空曠。

The jessamine gives out a sweet perfume 茉莉花散發出馥郁的香味。

Suits her with a little jessamine mixed 這對她合適,還摻上點茉莉花。