
jess n.獵鷹的腳帶。vt.給(鷹)系上腳帶。


Did you see jess take any drugs 你見過jess吸毒嗎?

Yeah , who is it ? - it ' s jess 是誰? -是我,杰西卡

Professor jess seade sydney s w leong chair professor of economics Seade jess教授梁紹榮經濟學講座教授

Jess and i , we hit it off a little Jess和我我們挺合得來

Hold him there , jess , i ' m coming , 穩住他,杰西卡我馬上就來

Hold him there , jess . i ' m coming 穩住他,杰西卡我馬上就來

Jess : the coffee or the campaign 潔絲:是咖啡還是活動訴求?

Hi , jess . - what the fuck , jimmy 嘿,杰西卡. -干嘛,吉米?

- he ' s in the bullpen . why ? what ' s going on ? - jess -他在大房間里,怎么?發生什么事了? -杰西!

What are you doing , jess ? - mike -你在做什么,杰西卡? -麥克

He ' s in the bullpen . why ? what ' s going on ? - jess 他在大房間里,怎么?發生什么事了? -杰西!

Jess , i ' m here , - i ' ve got culter 杰西卡,我在這兒-我逮到了考特

Jess , i ' m here . - i ' ve got culter 杰西卡,我在這兒-我逮到了考特

Come on , jess . come on ! - you can do it 加油,潔西,加油!你能行的

Hey , just be yourself , jess . just get off my line , man 嘿,聽自己的, jess給我滾下線去,伙計

- jess , i ' m here . - i ' ve got culter -杰西卡,我在這兒-我逮到了考特

- jess , i ' m here , - i ' ve got culter -杰西卡,我在這兒-我逮到了考特

Good evening . i ' m jess perkins with casey wong 晚上好,現在由杰斯帕金斯和凱西王為您報道。

Good morning , i ' m casey wong with jess perkins 早上好,現在由凱西王和杰斯伯金斯為您報道。