
jersey n.澤西島〔英吉利海峽中最大的島〕。

jersey barrier

- i ' m nice . - aiex , give him your jersey -我很棒-亞歷克斯,你的隊服給他

I ' m nice . - aiex , give him your jersey 我很棒-亞歷克斯,你的隊服給他

Mrc : i can only send you my autograph , not the jersey 我只能給你我的簽名照,球衣不行。

Transistor invented at at & t ' s bell labs in new jersey 貝爾實驗室在新澤西州發明晶體管。

- you don ' t see that in jersey . - lt ' s the best 你在澤西是看不見那些的這里是最棒的

Mrs . slocumb found out i was stationed in new jersey now 斯樓肯太太發現我正駐扎在紐約

Camping area in the forest of the new jersey center , usa 美國紐澤西道場的林間天然帳蓬區

Bracket racing et series held in new jersey 托架跑et系列控制了新澤西。

( girl ) my dad was a jersey boy who became the youngest 我爸爸是新澤西人

Why did you pick 21 as your jersey number 你為什么選擇21號作為球衣號碼

We ' re not from japan . we ' re from jersey 我們不是從日本來的我們來自澤西

Apparently , some kid from maplewood , new jersey . . 顯然是新澤西州楓樹市來的一個孩子. .

No number eight jerseys will be signed 八件毛織運動衫將會沒有標記號碼。

I ' m in jersey right now . where am i gonna get cash 我現在在澤西城,你叫我怎么弄現金?

Sha la la well , i ' m in love with a jersey girl 沙拉拉…我愛上了澤西女孩

The bulldog of bergen , the pride of new jersey 卑爾根的猛牛新澤西的驕傲

And a fantastic escape by the yellow jersey , 穿著黃色領騎衫的選手來了一個驚人的沖刺,

Now he owns three subway franchises in new jersey 他還在新澤西擁有了3條地鐵的開發權

New jersey ? is that the same kid that put the tack . . 新澤西?是上次那個. .