
jerome n.杰羅姆〔姓氏,男子名,Jerry 為其昵稱〕。


Since the early of 1950s , when some scientists like jerome seymour bruner and simon brought about the theory of learning strategies , the research about learning strategies has been developing rapidly , especially after j . h . flavell ' s metacognition appeared 自上世紀50年代初,由布魯納、西蒙等人提出學習策略理論以后,為如何提高學生的學習效率指引了方向,尤其是弗拉維爾提出的元認知理論的介入,使學習策略的研究得到迅速發展。

Nonetheless , that blazers team , which featured nba notables like clyde drexler , terry porter , danny ainge , buck williams , jerome kersey , and mario elie , was one of the best teams in nba history not to win a championship 但話又說回來,那一屆開拓者是nba歷史上的無冕之王之一,隊中有諸如德雷克斯勒、特里波特、丹尼安吉、巴克威廉姆斯、杰羅姆凱西以及馬里奧埃里等大牌。

I could have picked david lee if i wasn ' t wondering whether that recent charade of jerome james as a knicks starter was actually coach isiah thomas ' attempt to preserve lee ' s sixth man award eligibility 如果我沒有思索尼克斯隊主教練把杰羅密詹姆斯推為首發球員是不是其主教練伊賽亞托馬斯不讓李大衛得到最佳第六人獎項的企圖的話,我也許就選李大衛了。

Geneva watchmaker romain jerome sa billed its “ titanic - dna “ collection as among the most exclusive pieces showcased this week at baselworld , the watch and jewellery industry ' s largest annual trade fair 日內瓦手表商romain jerome sa稱它為“泰坦尼克- dna ” ,是本周baselworld上最昂貴的展品之一。 baselworld是手表和珠寶界每年最大的交易盛事。

Role players like shane battier and rafer alston also will thrive under adelman , who previously groomed the likes of doug christie , jerome kersey , bobby jackson , and peja stojakovic into quality nba players 角色球員,諸如巴蒂爾和阿爾斯通等人也會在他手下有所作為,他曾經將克里斯蒂、凱西、博比杰克遜和佩賈等人培養成聯盟中的優秀球員。

Of the trinity college london . at present , hes enrolled in the diploma in conducting at the university of hong kong school of professional and continuing education following dr . jerome hoberman and raymond fu 后于香港大學專業進修學院修讀指揮學文憑課程,隨美籍指揮家何博文博士及符潤光先生學習樂隊及合唱指揮。

Halle berry was born on august 14 , 1968 in cleveland , ohio , usa to african american father jerome berry , a former hospital attendant , and caucasian mother judith berry , a retired psychiatric nurse 母親朱迪思-貝莉judith berry是一位退休的精神病醫院護士,高加索人。她的姐姐海蒂heidi已婚,育有2個孩子。

Kevin jerome pullum , 31 , vanished july 6 shortly after being checked into county jail following his conviction in court of shooting a man six times in 1999 這名在7月6日逃去無蹤的男子名叫凱文?杰洛姆?普倫,現年31歲。他于1999年犯案,被法庭判定罪名成立并收監。

Clothier jerome finkelstein pulled three years in the slammer for failing to pay income and social security taxes on $ 1 million in wages paid to illegal aliens 服裝業者芬克爾斯坦在付給非法移民的100萬美元工資中未繳納所得稅及社會保險稅,因而坐牢三年。

Even if the movie is not always realistic , and the rhythm slows down sometimes , jerome salle succeeded in making a sophisticated and stylish movie 盡管影片的現實意義較為欠缺,節奏有時也較拖沓,但熱羅姆-薩郎仍然成功地執導了一部高超、時尚的電影。

Father jerome murphy - o ' conner says with thousands of jewish and christian visitors in jerusalem this year some will probably leave the city disappointed 神父杰羅姆.墨非.克納說,今年大量的猶太和基督教游人涌入耶路撒冷,而一些人可能會失望而歸。

Father jerome murphy - o ' conner says with thousands of jewish and christian visitors in jerusalem this year some will probably leave the city disappointed 杰羅姆?墨非歐康納牧師稱今年在耶路撒冷的數千名猶太人和基督徒中可能會有一些人失望而去。

Romain jerome said it purchased a piece of the hull weighing about 1 . 5 kg 3 pounds that was retrieved in 1991 , but declined to identify the seller 說他們購買的這片船體碎片重達1 . 5公斤,是1991年被打撈上來的,但是拒絕透露賣家的身份。

What classic cocktail was created in honor of jenny jerome , the mother of sir winston churchill , for her visit to a famous new york club in the mid ? 1870s 這款雞尾酒為了紀念丘吉爾的母親,在1870年發明于紐約俱樂部,它叫什么名字?

People take vacations for different reasons . michelle and jerome get into a conversation about the different trips they will take over chinese new year 人們有著不同的渡假理由。蜜雪兒和杰羅姆談到關于他們春節期間不同的旅游。

Romain jerome said it purchased a piece of the hull ( 7 ) weighing about 1 . 5 kg ( 3 pounds ) that was retrieved in 1991 , but declined to identify the seller 泰坦尼克號在從南安普敦去紐約的首航中撞上冰山、沉沒于北大西洋。

The service of the irish church , used in mount jerome , is simpler , more impressive , i must say . mr bloom gave prudent assent “我敢說杰羅姆山公墓舉行的愛爾蘭圣公會127的儀式更簡樸,給人的印象也更深。 ”

However , jerome argued that they were jesus ' cousins , which the greek word for “ brother “ used in the gospels would allow 然而,杰羅姆爭論說他們是耶穌的表兄弟,希臘單詞“兄弟”在福音書里是被允許使用的。

Jerome patterton raised his hands , “ both of you save any more arguments until monday . we ' ll go over all of them then . 杰羅姆帕特頓雙手一揚: “二位有什么高見,請留到星期一再談吧!屆時我們再詳談。 ”