
jerky adj.(jerkier -iest)1.急拉的;急跳的...


But , in a similar way to dr jablonski ' s study , which suggests that models of cradles and museums present a false dichotomy , a paper from a member of the gradualist camp of time biology endorses some features of jerky evolution 但是,正如捷布朗斯基博士的研究表明將源、匯模型對立起來是錯誤的一樣,一篇出自時間生物學領域里漸變論陣營中某個成員的論文同樣地支持某些跳躍式進化的特性。

Full - motion video : full - motion video is digitally recorded video played back at the broadcast standard of 30 frames per second , or close enough to that speed so the video appears smooth rather than jerky 全運動圖像:全運動圖像是以數字方式記錄的視頻圖像,以每秒30幀的電視廣播標準或者非常接近于此的速度重現圖像,因而這些視頻圖像看上去很自然,沒有跳躍感。

When the road surface is not smooth , so jerky motion due to ups and downs of the road creates shocks to the vehicle parts , the suspension system prevents these shocks from being transmitted to the vehicle components 1當路面并不平坦,所以急沖議案,由于跌宕起伏的道路造成沖擊,以汽車零件,懸架系統可以防止這些沖擊被轉交給汽車部件。

He then continued the party on the court friday against the sacramento kings , a night of celebration for the lakers in an otherwise herky - jerky exhibition season that ended with a 101 - 97 victory over sacramento 星期五在與薩克拉門托國王的比賽過后,他在球場上舉行了聚會,也慶祝湖人以101比97贏下了季前賽的最后一場比賽。

It is various and natural to count line and cut with at will , also a little jerky interlock , overlapping , can let human body touch to the course of making drawing to see the imagination of drawing person very much 各種自然的點線、劃痕和隨意、也有點生澀的交錯、重疊,很能讓人體會到作畫的過程,觸動看畫人的想象。

He began research four years ago with his then four - year - old daughter , casting a rudimentary android from her body , but its few actuator mechanisms resulted in jerky , unnatural motion 四年前,他以當時四歲的女兒為對象展開研究,模擬她的身體做了一個初階仿制人,但致動裝置太少,機器人動作僵硬且不自然。

Based on the traditional technology , using natural plateau white yak meat as the raw material , we produced three different flavors of white yak ' s jerky 摘要以傳統牛肉干生產工藝為基礎,采用天然無污染的高原白牦牛肉為原料,調整工藝流程后制作了3種不同風味的白牦牛肉干制品,增加了牛肉干的品種。

Wish you a tall weight responsibility is light , money is eventful little leave home close , sleep to nature to wake everyday , salary is gotten in one ' s hand jerky , others works overtime your raises 祝你位高權重責任輕,錢多事少離家近,每天睡到自然醒,工資領到手抽筋,別人加班你加薪!

But his stride became jerky ; he no longer seemed capable of walking without staggering ; his teeth chattered , his hands were cold , violent nervous convulsions took possession of his entire body 他步履蹣跚,踉踉蹌蹌地向前移動著。他的牙格格作響,雙手冰涼,全身的神經都在劇烈地顫動。

“ the central groove shows that the tail of the animal was not buoyed up or supported by water and striations on the side of the groove show that motion was jerky 他說: “中間的凹槽顯示,這只水蝎的尾巴并沒有浮起來或者被水支撐著而凹槽旁邊的一些條痕則說明,它運動得并不平穩。

Video conferencing has long been plagued by the detached feel of talking to a television set , often with awkward audio delays and jerky video 長時期以來,網絡視頻會議似乎就是對電視錄像設備談話,給人們帶來被隔離的苦腦。不盡如此,它還經常伴隨著聲音延遲和圖像閃爍等現象。

Not be rheumatism , rheumatism is main drag in small joint , the strut that is joint is out of shape aching , is not the crus flesh that you say group aching , are you jerky 不是風濕,風濕主要累及小關節,是關節的腫脹變形疼痛,而不是你所說的小腿肌群疼痛,你是抽筋嗎?

The cimmonly used mode is a preemptive calling sequence , where the application returns to the system after each update . this might cause jerky movie output 搶占式中斷調用順序,這是一種常用的方式,應用程序每次修改后返回系統,這導致視頻的不平穩輸出。

But the head swayed helplessly with the jerky steps of the bearers , and the cold , apathetic eyes did not know on what to rest 但是,這個頭竟因扛起伯爵的人腳步不均勻而顯得軟弱無力,微微地搖晃,他那冷漠的目光真不知要停留在什么上面。

Prince ippolit gave vent to a short , jerky guffaw , as he stood on the steps waiting for the vicomte , whom he had promised to take home 伊波利特公爵發出若斷若續的笑聲,站在門廊上等候子爵,他已答應乘車送子爵回家。

Chocolates , beef jerkys , milk are very rich in nutrition , but when you are too hungry , you can not eat a lot 巧克力、牛肉干、牛奶還是高營養的,但即使很餓了,也吃不下太多。

Mrs . jerky : well , to be quite frank , i ' m not so hot , young lady . this morning , my dog got hit by a car 哲琪太太:嗯,坦白說,我不很好,小姐。今天早上我的狗被一輛車撞了。

Preventing sausage , preserved ham , ham , dried meat floss and beef jerky from greesing and tartness 臘腸、臘肉、火腿、肉松、牛肉干等肉制品,能防止這些食品的油脂酸敗。

Preventing sausage , preserved ham , ham , dried meat floss and beef jerky from greesing and tartness 臘腸臘肉火腿肉松牛肉干等肉制品,能防止這些食品的油脂酸敗。