
jericho n.1.耶利哥〔死海以北的古城〕。2.〔口語〕非常遙遠的...


About forty thousand armed for war went over before the lord to the fight , to the lowlands of jericho 約有四萬人、都準備打仗、在耶和華面前過去、到耶利哥的平原、等候上陣。

And the children of israel set forward , and pitched in the plains of moab on this side jordan by jericho 狀態離線22 : 1以色列人起行,在摩押平原,約旦河東,對著耶利哥安營。

About forty thousand armed for battle crossed over before the lord to the plains of jericho for war 13約有四萬人都準備打仗,在耶和華面前過去,到耶利哥的平原,等候上陣。

Facing the strong city wall , the israelites would not be able to defeat jericho by their own military strength 面對堅固城,以色列人若要靠自己的武力,實在不可能攻破。

These are what moses gave as inheritances in the plains of moab across the jordan at jericho to the east 32以上是摩西在約但河東對著耶利哥的摩押平原所分給他們的產業。

8500 the anunnaki establish outposts at the gateway to the space facilities ; jericho is one of them 8500年,安奴拿其在空間設備的大門上建立了前哨,杰里科是其中之一。

The israeli military charged into jericho moments after british prison monitors left the prison this morning 今晨,以軍沖進杰里科幾分種前英國監獄觀察員離開了監獄。

Then the sons of israel journeyed , and camped in the plains of moab beyond the jordan opposite jericho 民22 : 1以色列人起行、在摩押平原、約但河東、對著耶利哥安營。

And it went down from janohah to ataroth , and to naarath , and came to jericho , and went out at jordan 7從雅挪哈下到亞他綠,又到拿拉,達到耶利哥,通到約旦河為止。

And the children of israel set forward , and pitched in the plains of moab on this side jordan by jericho 以色列人起行,在摩押平原,約旦河東,對著耶利哥安營。

The king of jericho was told , “ look ! some of the israelites have come here tonight to spy out the land . 2有人告訴耶利哥王說,今夜有以色列人來到這里窺探此地。

They left the mountains of abarim and camped on the plains of moab by the jordan across from jericho 48從亞巴琳山起行,安營在摩押平原約旦河邊,耶利哥對面。

[ kjv ] and the south , and the plain of the valley of jericho , the city of palm trees , unto zoar 南地和那平原,就是棕樹城耶利哥的盆地,直到瑣珥,都指給他看。

Jericho was the door to canaan . it had a strong city wall , and it was guarded safely by warriors 耶利哥城是迦南的門戶,它的城墻十分堅固,四面有嚴密的防守。

And the negev ; and the plain , that is , the valley of jericho , the city of palm trees , as far as zoar 3南地,以及那平原,就是棕樹城耶利哥的山谷,直到瑣珥。

Then the israelites traveled to the plains of moab and camped along the jordan across from jericho 1以色列人起行,在摩押平原,約旦河東,對著耶利哥安營。

And the south , and the plain of the valley of jericho , the city of palm trees , unto zoar 南地和那平原,就是棕樹城耶利哥的盆地,直到瑣珥,都指給他看。

Lk . 18 : 35 and as he drew near to jericho , a certain blind man was sitting by the road , begging 路十八35耶穌將近耶利哥的時候,有一個瞎子坐在路旁討飯。

The hill or tel of jericho has been occupied since 800bc and is some 251 > meters below sea level 耶利哥在公元前800年就有人住,它在水平線下251公尺。