
jeremiah n.1.杰里邁亞〔男子名,Jerry 為其昵稱;Jere...


Jeremiah , where are you going 你去哪兒?

Then jeremiah said , that is not true ; i am not going to the chaldaeans 耶利米說,你這是謊話,我并不是投降迦勒底人。

Jeremiah 31 : 3 says , i have loved thee with an everlasting love 耶利米書第31章第3節講到神說“我以永遠的愛愛你。 ”

God is saying through jeremiah , ,藉耶利米說:

And his mother ' s name was hamutal , the daughter of jeremiah of libnah 他母親名叫哈慕她,是立拿人耶利米的女兒。

Zip up your mouth , jeremiah 吃飯時閉上嘴,杰瑞

. . . evelyn had become upset with her son jeremiah ' s business situation . . .愛芙琳曾對她兒子杰瑞的生意狀況煩憂

My sons , aaron and jeremiah 我的兒子,亞倫和耶利米

The word of the lord that came to jeremiah concerning the dearth 耶14 : 1耶和華論到乾旱之災的話、臨到耶利米。

The word of the lord which came to jeremiah the prophet about the nations 耶和華論列國的話臨到先知耶利米。

Wait , so jeremiah ' s broke 等等,這么說杰瑞破產了?

Zephaniah the priest read this letter to jeremiah the prophet 耶29 : 29祭司西番雅就把這信念給先知耶利米聽。

That s what happened to jeremiah 耶利米就面對這情況。

Evelyn had become upset with her son jeremiah ' s business situation .愛芙琳曾對她兒子杰瑞的生意狀況煩憂

Ah , sovereign lord , jeremiah said , i do not know how to speak , 主耶和華啊,我不知怎樣說,因為我是年幼的

My name ' s bobby mercer . i believe you know my brother , jeremiah 我叫鮑比?莫瑟我想你一定認識我兄弟杰瑞

Thus far are the words of jeremiah 耶利米的話到此為止。

Jeremiah was a bullfrog . bullfrog 耶利米是一只牛蛙.牛蛙

We ieft it at jeremiah ' s . - yeah 我們停在杰瑞家了-當然