
jeremiad n.哀訴;哀史,悲哀的故事。


That adds to the cost of extracting oil , because more engineers and more complex machinery are needed to exploit it ? butthe end of easy oil is a far remove from the jeremiads of peak - oilers 要開采它們需要投入更多的工程家和更復雜的機械,這都增加了開采石油的成本? ?但即使容易開采的石油告完,也和石油峰值論者的悲慘故事相距甚遠。

That adds to the cost of extracting oil , because more engineers and more complex machinery are needed to exploit it ? butthe end of easy oil is a far remove from the jeremiads of peak - oilers 要開采它們需要投入更多的工程家和更復雜的機械,這都增加了開采石油的成本? ?但即使容易開采的石油告完,也和石油拐點論者的悲慘故事相距甚遠。

“ is jean - claude wippler s jeremiad on the misery of present - day installation practices 包含有關于他的一些部署方面的工程的信息。

I think you should have some writers write some jeremiads for him 我想你需要一些給他寫哀婉的故事的人