
jeopardy n.1.危難,危險。2.【法律】有罪受刑的可能性。3.刑...


The hold up in the supply of fuel puts our whole advance in jeopardy 燃料提供的拖延影響到我們整個的進程。

This entire country in jeopardy 整個國家于危險之中?

His argument against the manager will put his employment in jeopardy 對經理表示異議將不利于他繼續受雇。

On the accused ' s right against double jeopardy in the criminal procedure 刑事被告人免受雙重危險權利研究

China should establish the principle of prohibition against double jeopardy 我國應確立禁止雙重危險原則

Their lives were put in jeopardy 他們的生命處于危險中。

The villagers ' lives were in jeopardy during the blizzard 暴風雪肆虐期間,村民們的生命處于危險之中。

Can ' t allow it to live . everything we know would be in jeopardy 不能讓它活著.否則所有東西都會毀滅

A fall in demand for oil tankers has put jobs in jeopardy 油輪需求量的下降使很多工作職位受到威脅。

Just so it doesn ' t put us in jeopardy 那樣對我們沒什么害處

I knew she was in jeopardy , but 我知道她的處境很危險,可是

His foolish behaviour may put his whole future in jeopardy 他愚蠢的行為可能使他整個前途陷于險境。

Is your child in dire jeopardy 你的孩子正面臨死亡的威迫嗎?

The entire study may be in jeopardy 整個研究計劃處于危險邊緣

Would i deliberately have put our own relationship in jeopardy 我是否本該故意破壞我們的關系呢?

His driving licence is in jeopardy 他的駕駛執照處于危險之中。

I never meant to put her in jeopardy 我從來沒有想讓她身陷危機

If you even sense that you are in jeopardy , 如果你感覺到有危險

Do you really wanna put them in jeopardy for louie and morty 你真的為了路易和默蒂可以不管他們?