
jeopardize vt.使受危險[危害],危及。 jeopardize o...


Such owners are not only jeopardizing their own interests , but also putting public safety at risk 這些業主不但損害自身的利益,更危及公眾安全。

Class and jeopardize the infinite usefulness of polymorphism in object - oriented programming 類,因而將危及面向對象編程中的多態性的廣泛用途。

He has acted in such way that the property of the association is endangered or is jeopardized ; or 該會員的行為使本會的資產受威脅或損害;或

- negative . i cannot jeopardize my mission . - this is your mission , to save people -不,我不能拿任務來冒險-你的任務就是拯救人類!

Negative . i cannot jeopardize my mission . - this is your mission , to save people 不,我不能拿任務來冒險-你的任務就是拯救人類!

We must not jeopardize our economic strength by increasing payroll taxes 我們絕不能通過提高工資稅的方式危及我們的經濟實力。

The security of the whole operation has been jeopardized by one careless person 整個作業的安全讓一個粗心大意的人給破壞了

Hal : this mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it 哈爾:這次任務對我來說很重要,我不允許你去破壞。

If you are rude to the boss , it may jeopardize your chance of success 如果你對老板沒有禮貌,那也許會危及你事業的成功。

If you are rude to the boss it may jeopardize your chances of success 如果你對上司無禮,那就可能斷送你成功的機會。

The noise pollution badly jeopardizes the health of the operating workers 噪聲污染嚴重地危害人們的身體健康。

Might jeopardize your lives . . .會威脅到你們的生命

To burn your bridges will jeopardize your future career (過河拆橋的做人處事,將會影響到你的事業前途。 )

I can ' t jeopardize my priesthood 我不能危及我的牧師職位

I not gonna jeopardize the mission 我不能冒行動失敗的險

And every time you interfere , you jeopardize her cover . understand 你的出現會害她身份曝光明白嗎?

But editorial will not jeopardize the hundreds of employees . 但是編者意見也不可以危害到cbs的.

But editorial will not jeopardize the hundreds of employees 但是編者意見也不可以危害到cbs的

If i felt like this was jeopardizing my music , or you , 如果我感到這個會危害到我的音樂或者是你