
jeopard vt.〔美國〕=jeopardize.


So security and safeguarding of information on computer networks has become one of the most import problems , because of the diversity of network ' s connection , the asymmetry of terminal ' s distribution , the interconnection of computer and the attack of hacker , cracker and vicious software . it is more important for military ' s automation commanding network and banks whose network communicates sensitive data . thus we should apply sufficient safeguarding to these networks , otherwise the computer network will be useless , even jeopard the national security 但由于計算機網絡具有連接形式多樣性、終端分布不均勻性和網絡的開放性、互連性等特征,致使網絡易受黑客、駭客、惡意軟件和其它不軌的攻擊,所以網上信息的安全和保密是一個至關重要的問題。對于軍用的自動化指揮網絡和銀行等傳輸敏感數據的計算機網絡系統而言,其網上信息的安全和保密尤為重要。因此,上述的網絡必須有足夠強的安全措施,否則該網絡將是個無用、甚至會危及國家安全的網絡。

Although buffeting may not cause the bridge destroyed in whole , it can induce the fatigue for structure elements if it is not carefully dealt with . the excessive amplitude of vibration may also jeopard driving and pedestrian so as to make them not comfortable and safe 雖說抖振一般不會引起橋梁的整體破壞,但如果處理不好,也會使橋梁局部某些構件產生疲勞破壞,而且過大的抖振振幅也會危及行車和行人的舒適與安全。

All they bachelors then asked of sir leopold would he in like case so jeopard her person as risk life to save life 40 ”眾單身漢問利奧波德爵士曰: “在類似情況下,汝為拯救一條命,不惜讓產婦冒喪命之危險乎? ”