
jennings n.詹寧斯〔姓氏〕。


3 luo x , jennings n r , shadbolt n , leung h f , lee j h m . a fuzzy constraint based model for bilateral , multi - issue negotiation in semi - competitive environments . artificial intelligence , 2003 , 148 : 53 - 102 . 4 rao a s , georgeff m p . bdi agents : from theory to practice 然而,在實際的許多應用中, agent對其周圍的環境僅僅有部分的,不確定的信息,例如,當一個圖象處理程序agent來判定一個目標是軍事設施還是民用設施時,其返回的信息為:此目標是民用設施的概率為60 - 70 % ,為軍事設施的概率為30 - 40 % 。

The comic verse - writers and the cartoonists took hold of it with screaming laughter , and in the personal columns of society weeklies jokes were perpetrated on it to the effect that charley frensham told archie jennings , in confidence , that five lines of “ ephemera “ would drive a man to beat a cripple , and that ten lines would send him to the bottom of the river 俏皮詩和漫畫作者發出尖利的笑聲抓住了它,社會新聞周刊的人物專欄也拿那詩說笑話,大意是:查理福雷山姆私下告訴阿簡寧斯,五行蜉蝣就足以讓人去毆打殘疾人,十行蜉蝣就可以讓他跳河自殺。

16 parsons s , giorigini p . an approach to using degrees of belief in bdi agents . information , uncertainty and fusion , kluwer academic publisher , 2000 , pp . 81 - 92 . 17 parsons s , sierra c , jennings n r . agents that reason and negotiate by arguing 本文的工作,一方面把我們以前的概率邏輯程序語言擴展到了面向agent的情況進一步的,這種邏輯語言也擴展了hindriks等人的工作,即把面向agent的邏輯程序語言擴展到了面向不確定agent的情況,實現了對于不確定信息的動態的描述和推理。

The 10th australian joint conference on artificial intelligence , perth , australia , 1997 , pp . 38 - 43 . 7 he m , leung h f , jennings n r . a fuzzy logic based bidding strategy in continuous double auctions . ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering , 2003 , 15 : 1345 - 1363 為了祛除關于信息的不現實的假定,對不確定信息進行描述和推理,在本文中,以概率論為描述不確定信息的理論基礎,提出了一種新的面向agent的概率邏輯程序語言,它把概率程序和實時程序結合起來。

The ieee iafe informs 2000 conference oncomputational intelligence cifer 2000 , new york , 2000 , pp . 26 - 29 . 17 faratin p , sierra c , jennings n r . using similarity criteria to make trade - offs in automated negotiation 協商策略是代理人用來評估和產生方案,以得到對他們最有利的協議,代理人依照他們自己的協商策略,在整個協商過程中,輪流提案。

Greenwood , s . c . , aug . 15 ( ap ) - william jennings bryan dorn , who represented western south carolina in congress for 13 terms , died on saturday at his home here . he was 89 美聯社格林伍德八月十五日電威廉j . b道恩,作為南卡羅來那州西部的代表,在國會中出任議員共十三屆。他于星期六在家中去世,享年八十九歲。

No one embodied the blue - collar sound of outlaw country more than waylon jennings , willie nelson , johnny cash , and merle haggard in this period 這一時期的威倫.杰寧斯、威利.納爾遜,約翰尼.卡西及靡樂.哈格德將現代鄉村音樂中貼近工人階層的內涵反映得淋漓盡致。

Jennings ben afleck is the best reverse - engineer in the business . he is hired by clients to take apart other companies technologies and find out how they work 振寧賓艾弗力飾為高科技公司設計一項機密工程,完工后必須清除記憶,方能取得巨額酬金。

3 roure d d , jennings n r , shadbolt n r . the semantic grid : past , present , and future . in proc . the ieee , 2005 , 93 : 669 - 681 在介紹和討論了主要的相關工作之后,我們給出對dartgrid經過改進后的dartgrid系統的五層結構模型和各層之間的相互關系。

2 jennings n r , sycara k , wooldridge m . a roadmap of agent research and development . autonomous agent and multi - agent systems , 1998 , 1 : 7 - 38 也就是說,在這些假定下, agent僅僅在其對于事件的真假具有100 %確信的時候,才指定其行動。

Jennings ben afleck is the best reverse - engineer in the business . he is hired by clients to take apart other companies technologies and find out how . . 振寧依約洗腦,醒來后向公司索取酬金他收到一個信封,但里面裝的不

Fidonet was created in 1984 by tom jennings as a way to exchange messages between users of different bbs systems Tom jennings于1984年創建了fidonet系統,來讓不同bbs系統中的用戶們互相交換信息。

Jennings explained how she met her husband when he was in the air force and stationed in england 詹寧斯太太還給我們講了當年她與夫君邂逅的故事,當時她丈夫在空軍服役,駐扎在英格蘭。

“ oh , you should see it , “ mrs . jennings said . “ a lovely pond , filled with koi . “噢,你是應該看看, ”詹寧斯太太說, “是個很漂亮的魚池,滿池的金色鯉魚。 ”

Our research indicates that the nation ' s youth are cognizant of the law ( jerry d . jennings 我們的調查表明全國的青年已有了法律意識(杰里? d ?詹寧斯) 。

“ aye , aye , “ said mrs . jennings , “ we know the reason of all that very well . “是呀,是呀, ”詹寧斯太太說, “我們對這一切的原因知道是很清楚。 ”

“ i can guess what his business is , however , “ said mrs . jennings exultingly “不管怎樣,我能猜出他干什么去了。 ”詹寧斯太太洋洋得意地說。

Dr jennings our biologist is bringing a cameraman to shoot the whole thing 我們的生物學家詹寧斯博士已經派攝像師去拍攝

Jennings : bauer ' s not here 鮑爾不在這里