
jenkins n.詹金(斯)〔姓氏〕。


Of course , sticking to that diet may not be easy . “ people interested in lowering their cholesterol should probably acquire a taste for tofu and oatmeal , “ said study co - author david jenkins of the university of toronto . the study , published this month in the american journal of clinical nutrition , was funded in part by almond promoters and a major food company 加拿大科學家日前在美國臨床營養學雜志發表的一份報告中指出,如果你想降低膽固醇水平,嚴格的飲食計劃可以起到與服藥一樣的效果,像豆腐燕麥生杏仁等食品都被列入了這一“處方”里。

For the last 20 years , heart experts have emphasised cutting saturated fat and cholesterol intake , but plants may protect the heart in other ways . among them : soluble fibre : “ to reduce your risk of heart disease , you may want to eat more beans , peas , oats , and barley , “ says jenkins , because their “ sticky “ soluble fibre seems to help lower blood cholesterol 過去二十年來,心臟專家都強調要避免飽和脂肪酸及膽固醇,而植物性食品可以下列方式保護心臟:可溶性纖維詹肯斯指出:要降低心臟疾病,必須多吃豆類,豌豆燕麥和大麥,因為其“黏稠的”可溶性纖維似乎可以幫助降低血中的膽固醇。

Jenkins said the rate was comparable to results from participants who had taken a statin drug for one month before starting the diet , as well as general studies of patients on such drugs . the group of participants who did not follow the diet as strictly still lowered their cholesterol by 10 percent to 20 percent 一年后,那些一直嚴格遵守這個飲食計劃的人的膽固醇水平平均下降了29而有時執行新食譜不那么嚴的人的膽固醇水平也下降了10到20左右。

After a year , the group who stuck faithfully to the new eating plan lowered their cholesterol by an average of 29 percent . jenkins said the rate was comparable to results from participants who had taken a statin drug for one month before starting the diet , as well as general studies of patients on such drugs 一年后,那些一直嚴格遵守這個飲食計劃的人的膽固醇水平平均下降了29而有時執行新食譜不那么嚴的人的膽固醇水平也下降了10到20左右。

In passing sentence , magistrate jenkins said that the court always takes a serious view on tax offences . as a property owner , the defendant should duly discharge her obligation to report the rental income in the tax returns while maximizing her return on investment 在宣判時,曾健士裁判官指出,法庭對填報不正確報稅表一向采取嚴厲態度,被告人身為業主,在為其投資爭取最高回報的同時,亦應履行相關的稅務責任,向稅務局呈報有關的租金收入。

In her fictional biographical account of serial killer aileen wuornos , director patty jenkins makes it clear that the “ monster “ is not necessarily the woman herself , but the society that had maltreated and neglected her to the point of murderous desperation 美國首個連環女殺手莉,去年以紀錄片形式登陸電影節,轟動一時。事別一年,真人真事換上奧斯卡影后查理絲花朗演出,更挾著全球15個最佳女主角大獎凱旋回歸。

Traflagar square with a two - hour concert , featuring artists such as will young , katie melua and opera singer katherine jenkins . the thousands of free tickets have already been snapped up , but there will also be the chance to the event on bbc radio 特拉法爾加廣場上將舉辦一場兩個小時的音樂會來展現慶祝的氣氛,著名的藝術家,例如維爾揚、凱迪邁魯和歌劇歌唱家凱瑟林杰金斯將出席表演。

Ray suarez : sally jenkins , will china be able to be as closed to the world as it sometimes has been in the past about how it does things inside the country now that everybody is going to be paying so much attention to them for the next eight years 曾經的中國固步自封,不對外開放,那么現在這個國家又是什么樣子,似乎每個人都很期待八年后的北京如何舉行這一盛事?

Jenkins suggested if the drug industry took it upon itself to make such changes , the fda could use its enforcement discretion to allow it to do so more quickly than would be done otherwise 不過杰根斯博士建議,如果藥品業者愿意自行承擔這些改變措施,美國食品及藥物管理局( fda )可以利用它強制的處理權,竭盡所能的加快變革的步伐,這將比起使用其他方式迅速得多。

William jenkins ( 1978 ) : public policy is “ a set of interrelated decisions taken by a political actor or group of actors concerning the selection of goals and the means of achieving them within the power of those actors to achieve ” 威廉詹金斯: “由一個或一批政治行為者在其權力范圍內做出的、關于選擇目標及實現目標之方法的一系列相互關聯的決定” 。

Jenkins , canadian research chair in metabolism and nutrition at toronto , and dr . cyril kendall , also of the university of toronto , studied 55 middle - aged men and women who had high cholesterol and were at risk for heart disease 詹金斯對55名膽固醇水平偏高且有患心臟病危險的中年男女進行了研究。這些人當時已經接受對心臟有益的飲食了。

Yehuda baruch , a professor of management at the university of east anglia , and graduate stuart jenkins studied the use of profanity in the workplace and assessed its implications for managers 東安格利亞大學的管理學教授耶胡達?巴魯克和研究生斯圖亞特?詹金斯共同研究了工作場合的“爆粗”現象,并就管理者應如何處理這一問題提出了建議。

A party atmosphere will get underway in traflagar square with a two - hour concert , featuring artists such as will young , katie melua and opera singer katherine jenkins 特拉法爾加廣場上將舉辦一場兩個小時的音樂會來展現慶祝的氣氛,著名的藝術家,例如維爾揚、凱迪邁魯和歌劇歌唱家凱瑟林杰金斯將出席表演。

The defendants denied the charges before magistrate mr michael jenkins at kwun tong magistracy today thursday . the case was adjourned until april 16 for a pre - trial review , while the trial was set for june 13 - 15 裁判官曾健仕將案件押后至四月十六日進行預審,而審訊則訂于六月十三日至十五日進行。

Woodruff , r . b . , r . c . ernest , and r . l . jenkins ( 1983 ) , “ modeling consumer satisfaction processes using experience - based norms , ” journal of marketing research , vol . 20 , pp . 296 - 304 楊輝楠(民87 ) ,加油站顧客滿意認知差距與經營績效之探討,未出版碩士論文,東海大學企業管理研究所。

I suspect jenkins to be the author of this sedition ; he simply refuses to accept the possibility that atlandits is the foundation upon which all known civilizations were built 我懷疑詹金斯是這場混亂的始作俑者。亞特蘭蒂斯可能是所有已知文明的本源,他卻只是對此嗤之以鼻。

In this rhyming alphabet book starring sea creatures , illudtrator jenkins uses paper collage with astonishing skill , capturing the textures and colors of marine animals and plants 這本書主要是以海洋生物為主角的字母書,可以從書中看到各種不同海底生物的剪紙插畫喔!

Finally , the effectiveness and practicability of this method is demonstrated by the simulation results of the famous box - jenkins gas furnace data and mackey - glass chaotic time series 與以往的模糊聚類辨識方法相比,所需cpu時間大大縮短,具有較高的辨識精度。

Gary jenkins of deutsche bank points out that , historically , investors have been overpaid for the default risk on high - quality corporate bonds 德意志銀行的加里?詹金斯指出,從歷史上來看,投資者因為那些高質量公司債券的違約風險而得到過高回報。