
jena n.耶拿〔德國城市〕。

jenghiz khan

With the family model built , let s see how information can be extracted from it using jena s query api 構建了家庭模型后,我們看一下如何使用jena的查詢api從模型中提取信息。

And the two child stars , jena malone as anna and liam aiken as ben turned in very realistic performances 那兩位童星,演安娜的杰娜?馬龍和演本的利恩?埃肯的表演十分真實。

You ll find a superb range of documentation here , and you can download the latest version of the jena framework 在這里您將找到大量的文檔,可以下載jena框架的最新版本。

They say they did not bring charges in the jena school case because the suspects were _ _ 3 _ _ 他們稱他們不會對jena學校的事件進行訴訟,因為嫌疑人都是未成年人。

So it had been at lodi , marengo , arcole , jena , austerlitz , wagram , and so on , and so on 在濟迪馬倫戈阿爾科拉耶拿奧斯特利茨瓦格拉木等等地方都是這樣。

The victories of the french at jena and at auerstadt destroyed the independent existence of prussia 法國人在耶拿和奧爾施泰特的勝利,使普魯士喪失了獨立。

They say they did not bring charges in the jena school case because the suspects were minors 他說說他們沒有對耶拿事件嫌疑的起訴是因為他們都是未成年人。

Jena is a comprehensive rdf toolset , and its abilities extend beyond what you ve learned here Jena是綜合的rdf工具集,它的功能遠不止您這里了解的這些。

Fortunately , jena provides a mechanism for expressing generic queries , in the form of rdql 幸運的是, jena以rdql形式提供了一種表達通用查詢的機制。

Since the jena case , there have been several other noose incidents across the country 自耶拿事件后,國內發生了許多諸如此類的套索事件。

Since the jena case , there have been several other noose incidents across the country 自耶拿事件后,國內發生了若干其他的絞索事件。

The jena project s homepage is a great place to start learning more about what it can do Jena項目的主頁是開始學習其功能的好地方。

Jena can persist its models on the filesystem , or in a relational database Jena可以在文件系統中或在關系數據庫中持久化它的模型。

Inference with jena 使用jena推理

Using rdql in jena 使用jena中的rdql

Jena provides several Jena提供了多個

Rdql queries can be executed on the command line against a jena model using the 工具可以在命令行上對jena模型執行rdql查詢。

If you have a question about jena , this is the place to get it answered 如果您有關于jena的問題,可以從這里得到答案。

Female artist malone , jena 女藝人珍娜瑪朗