
jellyfish 1.【動物;動物學】水母,海蟄。2.〔美俚〕無骨氣的人;...


When triggered , these cells eject poison - tipped barbs that help the jellyfish catch food in the ocean 當受到觸發時,這些細胞噴射出有助于海蜇在海洋中捕捉食物的有毒倒鉤。

Dizzy , “ but . . . the people in jellyfish , they really aren ' t bad . i just lost my balance when i fell off the ship . . . 我沒有責怪?的意思,把? ?付給那些人實在是我的過失。

In the case of cold dishes such as salads and jellyfish , keep them in the refrigerator right until you re ready to eat 至于冷盤,例如沙律、海哲,應在食前才由雪柜取出。

A lone bag made a break for freedom and buoyed by the swish of air it lifted across the room like a jellyfish 一條袋子沒關好,隨著透過房間的風像水母一樣飛了起來。

Moreover , beware of jellyfish stings when swimming in sea , which may cause severe pain and skin irritation 此外,游泳時小心被水母灼傷,因會引起劇痛及皮膚不適。

In most jellyfish , these stinging cells are so small that they can ' t penetrate human skin 在大多數海蜇中,這些蟄刺細胞非常小,以至于無法穿透人類的皮膚。

Includes spongebob , squidward , patrick , and gary minifigures , plus plenty of jellyfish 套裝中包括海綿寶寶,沃得,派克和蓋瑞人物玩偶和很多的水母!

You can see everything from sharks and jellyfish ( 8 ) to giant sea clams ( 9 ) and turtles 您可以一覽所有的生物,從鯊魚、水母到巨大海蛤、烏龜都有。

Lion s mane jellyfish 獅鬃水母

Medusa and jellyfish 水母和海蜇

Mixed jellyfish with cucumber 黃瓜拌海蟄

First jellyfish of the evening 晚上的第一個水母

I am deathly afraid of jellyfish 我特別害怕水母

Even lazy jellyfish do it *甚至慵懶的水母也這么做*

Jellyfish mixed with shredded turnip 蘿卜絲拌海蜇皮

There ' s not a lot of boat traffic out here , just a bunch of jellyfish 而且這里過往船只又不多只有水母經過

Deep - fried chicken shreds and jellyfish 炸生雞絲蜇皮

My jellyfish brothers . boo - ya - ka 我的水母兄弟,你們好呀

Jellyfish jellyfish dance in the sea 水母水母在海里跳舞。