
jellied adj.1.成膠狀的,膠黏的,膠質的。2.外涂膠狀物的。...

jellied gasolene

Apply this tube of jelly three times a day 每天三次搽用這管軟膏。

. . . slippy - flippies , jelly stingers , trick sticks . . 果子凍、棒棒糖

He loves to eat sweets , especially fruit jellies and honey 最喜歡吃甜食,尤其是果凍蜜糖。

You won ' t get a good set if you put too much water in the jelly 果凍攙水太多就凝固不好了

- i forgot . - well , you forgot and now jelly ' s dead 我忘了好吧,你忘了,所以杰里死了

Jelly fish reproduce by release egg and sperm into the sea 水母將卵和精液排入大海而繁殖。

Not that jelly ' s like anywhere near your mom ' s 杰里的遭遇很像你媽媽

The package of lactobacillus drink , jelly and soup product 乳酸菌飲料、果凍、湯產品包裝。

Set the jelly by putting it in a cold place 把果子放在冷的地方凝固。

The fish is scaled . jelly mold is set 魚鱗已經刮了,果凍模子也做好了

Yeah , if i don ' t get caught popping any jelly stingers 是啊,只要我偷吃果凍時不被他抓住

He had beaten his victim ' s head to a jelly with a hammer 他用槌子把受害者的頭打成醬了。

Place a dab of petroleum jelly on the bulb 涂少量的凡士林在溫度計上。

Chocolate jelly beans , i ' m gonna try one . - go ahead -巧克力味糖豆,我要嘗一個。 -嘗吧。

Float like a jelly bird ? let ' s go right now 像鳥一樣滑翔?現在就走吧

They removed royal jelly for medicinal use 他們把蜂皇精取出,用作藥品。

I forgot . - well , you forgot and now jelly ' s dead 我忘了好吧,你忘了,所以杰里死了

Apple jelly is the little girl ' s favorite 蘋果凍是這個小女孩最喜歡的。

Color coded polyethylene jelly filled cable 色標聚乙烯石油膏填充電話電纜