
jell vi.〔美口〕1.凝成膠狀,結凍。2.(意見、計劃等)定...


3 . based jellification dynamics theory that the larger the jellification activation energy , the greater the lubricant ' s jelling tendency , it is advisable to analysis the whole jellification process in attempt to find out maximum jellification activation energy emax and its ambient temperature tmax , as a ground for judging the lubricant ' s pumpability 根據凝膠動力學理論,凝膠活化能越大,潤滑油的凝固趨勢越大,因此對潤滑油應分析其凝膠全過程,從中找出最大凝膠活化能emax以及開始出現最大活化能的溫度tmax ,作為潤滑油低溫可泵性判據。

Any of a group of water - soluble colloidal carbohydrates of high molecular weight found in ripe fruits , such as apples , plums , and grapefruit , and used to jell various foods , drugs , and cosmetics 果膠任一種用于凝結各種食物、藥品和化裝品的高分子量且溶于水的膠質碳水化合物,存在于如蘋果、杏和葡萄等成熟的水果中

This game is in the refrigerator . the door ' s closed , the light ' s out , the eggs are cooling , the butter ' s getting hard and the jell - oooooooooooooo is jiggling 比賽已經進了冰箱,冰箱門已經關上,燈熄了,蛋開始冷卻,奶油開始變硬,果凍開始搖晃了。湖人贏定了。

The machine is suited for jell , fructi - milk , fructi - succus , seasoning washer and so on filling and closing 本機適合于酸奶、果奶、果汁、調味品及冰激淋等的灌裝和封口。

- baby , talk to him . go ahead . - well , l did a jell - o commercial once -寶貝兒,跟他說說.來嘛. -呃,我拍過一個果凍廣告

Suddenly i feel like i ' m in aunt marge ' s jell - o mold 突然我仿佛置身于瑪爾吉姑媽(童話“哈利?波特“中的人物)的果凍中了

Baby , talk to him . go ahead . - well , i did a jell - o commercial once -寶貝,去跟他聊聊,去啊-嗯,我曾經拍過jell - o的廣告

Baby , talk to him . go ahead . - well , l did a jell - o commercial once 寶貝兒,跟他說說.來嘛. -呃,我拍過一個果凍廣告

Our plan hasn ' t jelled yet 我們的計劃尚未定形。

This strawberry jam is still runny : i can ' t get it to jell 這草莓醬還是太稀,凝結不起來

Now , just put that bag of jell - o over here 現在,把那個人放到這里來

Mom ' s in the kitchen making jell - o with fruit 媽媽在廚房里做水果布丁

We ' re jelling as a family , even as we speak 即使在我們說話的時候我們也在凝聚成一個家庭

Here , jell - o for the kids . save 30 cents 給你,給孩子的果凍節省30美分

She sold a shitload of jell - o too . - i believe that -她推銷出去一大堆jell - o呢-我相信

Right , but she ' s moving soon to jell high 沒錯,不過下個月轉江南地帶的學校

- she sold a shitload of jell - o too . - l believe that -她也賣出了好多果凍. -我相信

She sold a shitload of jell - o too . - l believe that 她也賣出了好多果凍. -我相信

The jelly won't jell . 果子凍凝結不起來。