
jekyll n.杰基爾〔姓氏〕。

jekyll and hyde

Renowned adventurer allan quatermain connery leads a team of extraordinary figures with legendary powers to battle the technological terror of a madman known as “ the fantom . “ this “ league “ comprises seafarer inventor captain nemo shah , vampiress mina harker wilson , an invisible man named rodney skinner curran , american secret service agent tom sawyer west , the ageless and invincible dorian gray townsend , and the dangerous split personality of dr . jekyll mr 這班能人異士包括打不死的dorian gray stuart townsend飾,女吸血僵尸mina harker peta wilson飾,隱形人rodney skinner tony curran飾,會變身成怪物的dr . jekyl jason flemyng飾,來自美國的特攻agent sawyer shane west飾與及資深航海家captain nemo naseeruddin飾,他們并非浪得虛名,全都具備得天獨厚異能,為了世界和平與穩定,這班人要學習放低自我,彼此接納和信任,始能合作同工,以致得勝

In the broadly cultural context of the victorian era , hyde might be comparable to western culture ' s fascination with perceived “ savage & ; ; quot; countries and cultures , specifically in africa and the west indies , while jekyll is the embodiment of english manners , pride , and high culture 穿寬文化背景的維多利亞時代,海德可能可與西方文化相比較察覺的對的強烈愛好“摘引;國家和文化,特別是在非洲和西印度群島,而杰基爾是英國模式,驕傲和高的文化的體現。

Last season : last season was a jekyll and hyde - like affair for bynum as he spent much of the first half as the lakers primary weapon at the five spot , averaging almost ten points a game 上個賽季:上個賽季對安豬來說是富有戲劇性的,在賽季的前半段,他是湖人禁區主要的進攻武器,場均可以拿下10分左右。

But just as we can use the number 23 without binding it to any name in other words , as a function argument , we can use the function object we created with 閉包就象是fp的jekyll對于oop的hyde (角色或者也可能對調) 。閉包類似對象示例,是一種將一大批數據和功能封裝在一起的一種方式。

Last season : last season was a jekyll and hyde - like affair for bynum as he spent much of the first half as the lakers primary weapon at the five spot , averaging almost ten points a game 上賽季:上個賽季對于拜納姆來說并不是很好,雖然在上半場作為5號位的主力,平均每場拿10分。

He ' s a strange chap . usually he ' s very pleasant and reasonable , but there are times when he gets very bad - tempered and almost violent . he ' s got a jekyll and hyde personality 他是個很奇怪的家伙。他常常很快樂而且明白事理,但時而又脾氣很壞甚至粗暴。他是個具有雙重性格的人。

I ' d never have expected him to behave like that ; he ' s a real jekyll and hyde 我從來沒有想到他會那樣,他真是有善惡雙重人格。

I ' d never have expected him to behave like that ; he ' s a real jekyll and hyde 我從來沒有想到他會那樣,他真是有善惡雙重人格

Dr . jekyll , you ' re wanted by the knights of the holy order . . 哲基爾醫生,你被神圣秩序騎士團所通緝…

Dr . jekyll , you ' re wanted by the knights of the holy order 哲基爾醫生,你被神圣秩序騎士團所通緝

Mr . blanc , you are neither dr . jekyll 布蘭克先生,你不是哲基爾博士,

Utterson was amazed to find it a copy of a pious work, for which jekyll had several times expressed a great esteem, annotated, in his own hand, with startling blasphemies . 厄塔森驚奇地發現那是一本杰基爾幾次極其尊崇地贊譽過的神學著作,而現在其書頁上卻涂滿了出自他手跡的邊批,都是些不堪入目的褻瀆神明的詞句。

The importance of this to dr jekyll can hardly be exaggerated . 這對杰基爾博士來說,其重要性無法估量。