
jehu n.1.【圣經】耶和〔以色列國王,相傳為莽撞的御車者。2...


So jehu rode in a chariot , and went to jezreel ; for joram lay there . and ahaziah king of judah was come down to see joram 16于是耶戶坐車往耶斯列去,因為約蘭病臥在那里。猶大王亞哈謝已經下去看望他。

And jehu said to him who kept the robes , get out robes for all the servants of baal . so he got out robes for them 耶戶吩咐掌管禮服的人說、拿出禮服來、給一切拜巴力的人穿。他就拿出禮服來給了他們。

And the watchman stood on the tower in jezreel and saw jehu ' s multitude as he came , and he said , i see a multitude 17守望的人站在耶斯列的城樓上,看見耶戶帶著一大群人來,就說,我看見一大群人。

And jehu sent word throughout all israel , and all the worshippers of baal came ; and there was not one left who did not come 21耶戶差人走遍全以色列;凡事奉巴力的人都來了,沒有剩下一個不來的。

Then jehu drew his bow and shot joram between the shoulders . the arrow pierced his heart and he slumped down in his chariot 24耶戶開滿了弓,射中約蘭的脊背,箭從心窩穿出,約蘭就仆倒在車上。

And jehu gathered all the people together , and said unto them , ahab served baal a little ; but jehu shall serve him much 王下10 : 18耶戶招聚眾民、對他們說、亞哈事奉巴力還冷淡耶戶卻更熱心。

[ bbe ] and the watchman on the tower in jezreel saw jehu and his band coming , and said , i see a band of people 有一個守望的人、站在耶斯列的樓上、看見耶戶帶著一群人來、就說、我看見一群人。

And jehu gathered all the people together and said to them , ahab served baal a little , but jehu will serve him much 18耶戶招聚眾民,對他們說,亞哈只是稍微事奉巴力,耶戶卻要大大事奉他。

Then jehu went to jezreel . when jezebel heard about it , she painted her eyes , arranged her hair and looked out of a window 30耶戶到了耶斯列。耶洗別聽見就擦粉,梳頭,從窗戶里往外觀看。

And him who escapes the sword of hazael , jehu will kill ; and him who escapes the sword of jehu , elisha will kill 17將來躲過哈薛之刀的,必被耶戶所殺;躲過耶戶之刀的,必被以利沙所殺。

And jehu gathered all the people together , and said unto them , ahab served baal a little ; but jehu shall serve him much 18耶戶招聚眾民,對他們說,亞哈事奉巴力還冷淡,耶戶卻更熱心。

And the watchman on the tower in jezreel saw jehu and his band coming , and said , i see a band of people 有一個守望的人、站在耶斯列的樓上、看見耶戶帶著一群人來、就說、我看見一群人。

“ how can there be peace , “ jehu replied , “ as long as all the idolatry and witchcraft of your mother jezebel abound ? 耶戶說,你母親耶洗別的淫行邪術這樣多,焉能平安呢?

And jehu said , if this is your desire , let no fugitive depart from the city and go and tell it in jezreel )耶戶說,若合你們的意思,就不容人逃出城往耶斯列去報信。

Jehu said , “ come with me and see my zeal for the lord . “ then he had him ride along in his chariot 16耶戶說、你和我同去、看我為耶和華怎樣熱心。于是請他坐在車上。

[ bbe ] and when jehu was coming into the town , she said , is all well , o zimri , taker of your master ' s life 耶戶進門的時候、耶洗別說、殺主人的心利阿、平安麼。

As jehu entered the gate , she asked , “ have you come in peace , zimri , you murderer of your master ? 31耶戶進門的時候,耶洗別說,殺主人的心利阿,平安嗎?

And when jehu was coming into the town , she said , is all well , o zimri , taker of your master ' s life 耶戶進門的時候、耶洗別說、殺主人的心利阿、平安麼。

And as jehu entered the gate , she said , is all well , zimri , you murderer of your master 31耶戶進門的時候,耶洗別說,殺自己主人的心利阿,平安么?