
jehovah n.【宗教】(對上帝的稱呼)耶和華。


Lord thundering jumped - up jehovah 異乎尋常且出身低微的耶和華!

I called upon your name , o jehovah , from the lowest pit 55耶和華阿,我從極深的坑里呼求你的名。

Jehovah has indeed gone out before you 耶和華豈不在你前頭行么?

And you are my witnesses , declares jehovah , and i am god 耶和華說,你們是我的見證人,我是神。

I , even i , am jehovah ; and there is no savior besides me 11惟有我是耶和華,除我以外沒有救主。

And noah did according to all that jehovah commanded him 5挪亞就遵著耶和華所吩咐的一切行了。

Let him trust in the name of jehovah , and rely on his god 他當信靠耶和華的名,依賴自己的神。

Serve jehovah with fear , and rejoice with trembling 11當存畏懼事奉耶和華,又當存戰兢而歡樂。

Jehovah ' s witnesses : no shit happens until armageddon 耶和華的證人:直到世界末日,才會有霉運

And he said to me , this is the table that is before jehovah ?對我說,這是耶和華面前的桌子。

So the service of the house of jehovah was established 這樣,耶和華殿中的事奉都建立齊備了。

For manoah did not know that he was the angel of jehovah 原來瑪挪亞不知道?是耶和華的使者。

And he said , blessed be you of jehovah , my daughter 10波阿斯說,女兒阿,愿你蒙耶和華賜福。

Seven days you shall present an offering by fire to jehovah 36七日之久要將火祭獻給耶和華。

Thus says jehovah of hosts , consider your ways 7萬軍之耶和華如此說,你們要省察自己的行徑。

Jehovah lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace 26愿耶和華向你揚臉,賜你平安。

Offer sacrifices of righteousness , and trust in jehovah 5當獻上公義的祭,又當信靠耶和華。

And i answered and said , amen , jehovah 我就回答說,耶和華阿,阿們。

And all the assembly said , amen ; and they praised jehovah 會眾都說,阿們;又贊美耶和華。