
jeffreys n.杰弗里(斯)〔姓氏,男子名,Jeff 為其昵稱〕。


Firstly , by numerical and theoretical analysis , the author compares some existent confidence intervals , for example , “ exact “ confidence interval , wald confidence interval and bayesian confidence interval , and finds some deficiencies points of the confidence intervals , whose modification version has been proposed . also , several better confidence intervals such as are also presented . secondly , for given confidence coefficient and interval width , the author constructs a class of asymptotical two - stage interval estimate procedures . at the same time , under varies restriction of confidence coefflcientent interval width , the optional sample size of the first stage has been computed by numerical computation . the numerical computation shows that the method considered in this dissertation have good properties and applied value 同時,由于poisson分布的特性,我們知道不存在其參數區間長度小于0 . 5的置信區間,基于這些情況,我們主要展開了以下兩個方面的研究:一是利用數值計算分析與理論分析的方法對現有的若干置信區間如“精確”置信區間, wald置信區間, bayes置信區間等進行分析比較,發現了一些缺陷,針對這些缺陷,我們進行適當的修正,并得到幾種性質較好的置信區間如:修正大樣本區間jeffreys原則下置信區間二是針對已給定的置信系數與區間長度,我們提出了一種漸近的兩階段區間估計程序,并利用數值計算的方法,在各種置信系數與區間長度限定下,算出了最優的第一階段觀測次數(抽樣量) ,大量數據表明,本文考慮的方法性態良好,具有應用價值。

In his theory of probability jeffreys has something new to say about induction 杰弗里斯在其概論中,對于歸納法有某種新的見解。