
jeffrey n.杰弗里(斯)〔姓氏,男子名,Jeff 為其昵稱〕。


Whatever you praise to jeffrey he directly chuckles out some error which you did not perceive 不論你對杰弗里怎么稱贊,他都會直截了當笑嘻嘻地說出你沒注意到的錯誤。

Jeffrey schroeder ( nasa scientist ) : i think we can do it but it would be expe ive 杰夫里?施羅德: (美國國家宇航局科學家)我想這個飛行器是可行的,但是價格不菲。

In parallel : media briefing in room 302 and 303 by mr . robert footman , jp and mr . jeffrey lam , jp

Jeffrey , at the age of twenty - six , had just been downsized for the second time in six months 杰弗里, 26歲,在六個月里,第二次減小了型號(譯注:減肥) 。

Hon jeffrey lam kin - fung raised a question on the postponement of the listing of the link reit 林健鋒議員就領匯房地產投資信托基金押后上市提出質詢。

Mr . jeffrey lam , jp , chairman , ad hoc quality taxi services steering committee , hong kong 香港優質的士服務督導委員會主席林健鋒太平紳士

“ before you ask , “ he told jeffrey , his wife , “ the answer is an absolute no “你不用問, ”埃里克對他妻子杰弗里說, “回答是絕對的‘不行’ !

I knew you were seeing someone else when we finally got together , but not jeffrey 我知道你在我們好之后還在跟別人約會,但我以為不是杰弗瑞

Mr . jeffrey lam , jp , chairman , ad hoc quality taxi services steering committee , hong kong 香港優質的士服務督導委員主席林健鋒太平紳士主持

Chelsea want to add south african ace jeffrey ntuka to their array of international stars 切爾西準備簽入南非的希望之星恩圖卡。

Extracting polysaccharides from siraitia grosvenorii swingle c . jeffrey and constituents analysis 羅漢果多糖提取工藝及組成分析

Hon jeffrey lam raised a question on the introduction of environmentally - friendly vehicles 林健鋒議員就引入環保汽車提出質詢。

Professor yu xu , jeffrey 于旭教授

Tony - winning producer jeffrey sharp tossed his wife back into drug rehab 托尼獎得主制片人杰夫瑞.夏普再次把夫人送進戒毒中心

Presents jeffrey conklin s ideas on teamwork and project management 介紹了jeffrey conklin有關團隊協作及項目管理方面的想法。

Mr chau sze ngai , jeffrey 周思藝先生

Mr jeffrey lam kin - fung , jp 黎志棠先生

Be nice to me , jeffrey 杰弗瑞,手下留情啊

Male artist wright , jeffrey 男藝人謝菲韋特