
jefferson n.1.杰弗遜〔姓氏〕。2.Thomas Jeffers...

jefferson city

And later , president thomas jefferson scoffed at the idea of having a day of thanksgiving 之后豆豆小說網杰弗遜總統還對這件事嗤之以鼻。

In 1789 , thomas jefferson was appointed america ' s first secretary of state 1789年這一天,托馬斯.杰克遜被任命為美國第一任國務院部長

And later , president thomas jefferson scoffed at the idea of having a day of thanksgiving 之后迅雷下杰弗遜總統還對這件事嗤之以鼻。

In his first inaugural address , thomas jefferson warned of entangling alliances 托馬斯-杰斐遜在他的就職演說中告誡我們結盟的危害。

In his first inaugural addre , thomas jefferson warned of entangling alliances 托馬斯-杰斐遜在他的就職演說中告誡我們結盟的危害。

And later , president thomas jefferson scoffed at the idea of having a day of thanksgiving 之后,杰弗遜總統還對這件事嗤之以鼻。

He use a koran once owned by thomas jefferson , america ' s third president 他所用的那本可蘭經曾屬于美國第三任總統托馬斯杰斐遜。

Probably not , but he is the perfect compliment to jason kidd and richard jefferson 也許不能,但是他得到了基德和杰弗森的贊揚。

In his first inaugural address , thomas jefferson warned of entangling alliances 托馬斯-杰斐遜在他的就職中告誡我們結盟的危害。

In 1789 , thomas jefferson was appointed america ' s first secretary of state 1789年,托馬斯.杰克遜被任命為美國第一任國務院部長

Thomas jefferson and james madison met in 1776 . could it have been any other year 托馬斯?杰斐遜和詹姆斯?麥迪遜相識于1776年。

Are you familiar with the word treason ? - you know jefferson . the tree of liberty -你不知道這是叛國嗎? -你知道嗎,杰斐遜

Jennifer beals . what the boy mama used to be on the jeffersons 還有詹尼弗?比爾斯,那個在“杰弗遜”里主演孩子他媽的演員

Jefferson ? weii , why ? - the conference . it ' s the oniy iogicai answer 杰夫?為什么? -為這次的會議,這是唯一合理的解釋

- jefferson ? weii , why ? - the conference . it ' s the oniy iogicai answer -杰夫?為什么? -為這次的會議,這是唯一合理的解釋

He did not attend the inauguration of he next president , thomas jefferson 他沒有參加下任總統托馬斯?杰弗遜的就職典禮。

Much time has passed since jefferson arrived for his inauguration 杰斐遜來這里宣誓就職的盛況早已消失在歷史的長河中。

A follower of thomas jefferson or a proponent of his politics 托馬斯?杰斐遜的追隨者或對他的政治觀點表示支持的人

I ll get a box for joe jefferson . “ not me , “ answered the drummer 我來訂一個包廂,我們一起去看喬杰佛遜的戲。 ”