
jeffers n.1.杰佛斯〔姓氏〕。2.John Robinson ...


United were made to battle for the points by a strong visiting side which included tugay and francis jeffers , while the pouring rain did little to help either team 曼聯不得不經過艱苦的努力從強大的客隊身上拿分,他們有圖蓋和杰弗斯。而瓢潑大雨對誰都沒什么幫助。

Their clearest chance came on 55 minutes as jeffers met a right - wing corner from close - range , only to see his effort turned brilliantly over the bar by kuszczak 他們最好的機會出現在55分鐘,杰弗斯近距離接到右側角球。但他的射門卻被庫什薩克漂亮化解。

Jeffers was red - carded on 72 minutes for lashing out at ryan shawcross , who had marshalled the former ? 10million striker comfortably all night 杰弗斯72分鐘被罰出,因為他攻擊了萊恩-沙克勞斯。他讓這位曾經價值1000萬英鎊的射手整個晚上都很安靜。

But buying for the future doesn ' t always work out ; step forward francis jeffers , who arrived with an exciting reputation at 20 years old 但是,購入的新星并不是都能夠發光的,比如說杰弗斯,當年20歲的杰弗斯加入阿森納時已經名聲在外了。

A minute after jeffers ' moment of madness united thought they had a clinching goal , only for kieran lee ' s powerful effort to be ruled out for offside 之后一分鐘曼聯覺得自己獲得了當然的進球,但是吉蘭-李的射門被認為越位在先。

Henry david thoreau , robinson jeffers , the national < i > g < / i > eographic society , all socialists 亨利?大衛?梭羅(作家) ,羅賓?杰弗斯(詩人)還有國家地質協會,他們都是社會主義者?

By contrast , the chilly californian nihilism of robinson jeffers was a refreshing tonic 相形之下,羅賓遜?杰弗斯的加州冷冰冰的虛無主義反而給人以清新興奮之感。

Which one of you is jeffers 你們哪個是jeffers

Jeffers and obecks will follow you Jeffers和obecks會跟著你的

And then , mr . jeffers , i will have my druthers 然后, jeffers先生,我將把東西準備好

By contrast, the chilly californian nihilism of robinson jeffers was a refreshing tonic . 相形之下,羅賓遜杰弗斯的加州冷冰冰的虛無主義反而給人以清新興奮之感。