
jeff n.Jeffrey 的愛稱。


Jeff : sure . do you have anything i can write with 杰夫:當然。你有寫字的東西嗎?

Jeff , get those people in here so we can rehearse 杰夫,叫人都來這兒我們開始排演

Jeff ) they ' re watching you on the outside cameras 他們正通過外面的攝像機監視你們

Jeff : yes ? sorry . what are you going to say 杰夫:什么?對不起。你想說什么?

Jeff : i already told you . toilet paper and water 杰夫:我已經告訴過你了:手紙和水。

Jeff : but you were gone for about two weeks 杰夫:可是你離開了大約兩個星期。

- jeff , where are you ? - i ' m on yucca and vine -杰夫,你在哪? -我在雨卡和萬恩街口

Jeff is asking a lot of questions about the trip 杰夫就這趟旅行問了許多問題。

Jeff : well , not really . i ' m just telling the truth 杰夫:噢,不,我說的是事實。

Jeff searched all over the place for his missing key 杰夫到處尋找他丟失的鑰匙。

Jeff : when can i start working from home 杰夫:什么時候我可以開始在家里辦公?

Jeff they ' re watching you on the outside cameras 他們正通過外面的攝像機監視你們

I ' m glad you could be here to see this , jeff 我很高興你能在這里看到這個,杰夫

Jeff : fantastic . i could murder a cold one 杰夫:太好了。我能干掉一瓶啤酒呢。

Jeff : i thought everyone celebrates xmas 杰夫:我還以為每個人都慶祝圣誕節呢?

I ' m gonna go find jeff and we ' re walking out of here 我要去找杰夫,然后走出這里

Jeff : yeah , we ' re renting a cabin for a week 杰夫:是的,我們租了個小屋,一周

Jeff : more interested in himself than in me . 杰夫:對他自己比對我更有興趣。 ”

Jeff : no . three hundred and sixty - three , maybe 杰夫:不是。也許是三百六十三個。