
jeer n.嘲笑,戲弄。vi.,vt.嘲笑,戲弄 (at)。ad...


They jeered at the speaker 他們譏笑發言的人。

Acts 2 : 13 but others jeered and said , they are full of new wine 徒二13還有人譏誚說,他們無非是被新酒灌滿了。

He jeered at a defeated opponent 他嘲弄被擊敗的對手

Please don ' t jeer at my efforts 請不要嘲笑我的努力。

Audience jeering - that ' s not fair , tom 那不公平,湯姆

The jeers goaded him into a fury 他因遭到戲弄而大怒。

I don t jeer at you , he said “我并不嘲弄你。 ”他說。

Don ' t jeer at the mistakes of others 別嘲笑別人的錯誤。

Ok , limp wrist , stay away from my groin . - ( wreostlers jeer at jimmy ) 好吧,放松手腕,離我下體遠一點

Ok , iimp wrist , stay away from my groin . - ( wrestlers jeer at jimmy ) 好吧,放松手腕,離我下體遠一點

Don ' t jeer at the mistake of others 不要對別人的錯誤嘲笑。

The jeers threw the performers off 喝倒彩使演員們驚慌失措。

Ok , limp wrist , stay away from my groin . - wreostlers jeer at jimmy 好吧,放松手腕,離我下體遠一點

Ok , iimp wrist , stay away from my groin . - wrestlers jeer at jimmy 好吧,放松手腕,離我下體遠一點

Using one thumb to point at others implies one ' s contempt or jeer 用拇指人往往含有嘲弄的意思。

But others jeered and said , they are full of new wine 13還有人譏誚說,他們無非是被新酒灌滿了。

They all jeer at the foolish speaker 他們都嘲笑那個愚蠢的演說者

Crowd jeering - look at the chalk fly . the ball was definitely in 看看界線濺飛了球絕對在界內

They jeered the speaker off the stage 他們嘲笑著將演講者轟下臺。