
jeep n.1.吉普車;小型越野汽車。2.【軍事】小型護航航空母...


Looking through the window he saw a jeep passing by quickly 從窗戶里朝外望,他看見一輛吉普車疾駛而過。

B : tom learned to drive jeeps and trucks when serving in the army 他在部隊服役時學會了開吉普車和卡車。

Sandy crosses the desert by jeep 桑迪乘吉普車穿越沙漠。

No sooner had his luggage been loaded than the jeep started off 他的行李剛一裝上車,吉普車就開走了。

B : no , it isn - t . it - s a jeep 不,它不是。它是一輛吉普車。

Tom learned to drive jeeps and trucks when serving in the army 他在部隊服役時學會了開吉普車和卡車。

P > the ambulance was on the spot , the jeeps were running wild 救護車在當場,而吉普車正狂野的奔馳著。

Harley : guess ! where is my jeep 猜猜看,我的吉普車在哪里?

The troops and the jeeps and the tanks and whatnot . here , take a iook 部隊,吉普,坦克來,看一眼

The troops and the jeeps and the tanks and whatnot . here , take a look 部隊,吉普,坦克來,看一眼

Soldiers can fire from the jeep 士兵能從吉普車內部向外開火。

They rode up the hill in a jeep 他們坐了一輛吉普車往山上開去。

The green jeep is made in china 這輛綠色的吉普車是中國制造的。

But the jeep can get stuck in the water . iet ' s wait for a whiie 可是吉普車還動不了,我們再等等

This is the bridge . we wiii wait here tiii the jeep is repaired 這兒有橋,我們在這兒等車子修好

An old jeep is putter along the road 一輛舊吉普車沿路迤邐而來。

My friend was working on his old jeep 我朋友在整修他的老吉普車。

This is a chinese jeep , and that is an english car 這是一輛中國吉普車,而那是一輛英國小汽車。

The jeep - pilot will park ( guide ) you 指揮吉普車將等候(引導)你。