
jee int.,n.駕!〔馭馬用語“向右走!”,“向前走!”之...


With the support of the chiayi municipal government , fellow initiates from the chiayi center invited community organizations in the area , including the international tong - jee society , the chiayi lions club , and the seeu - lan culture and education foundation , to cosponsor an activity entitled “ heartwarming winter - love on earth . “ together , they paid visits to senior citizens in the home of love , the home of compassion , and the home of jee - may care . lucky money was presented to the seniors as gifts for the lunar new year 嘉義小中心今年首度邀請國際同濟會國際嘉義獅子會及秀巒文教基金會等嘉義地區民間社團,在嘉義市政府的督導之下,聯合舉辦寒冬送暖天地有情,人間有愛慰問老人活動,前往嘉義市仁愛之家博愛仁愛之家以及濟美仁愛之家,致贈年節慰問金,并以歌舞才藝表演,讓老人們度過一個溫馨的季節。

One of the most remarkable moments in this film is probably the scene when hee - jee sneaks into hyun - jun s house in the beginning . when hee - jee is searching the house without hyun - jun s permission , she doesn t expect him to suddenly return home 片中初段講述hee - jee潛入hyun - jun家中,不料hyun - jun突然回家, hee - jee只好躲在陽臺暫避,從外窺看屋內情況。

1 in 1991 , consultant ji xianlin , prof . li tao , and director yang tongfang visited korea to conduct academic exchange ; dr . yun - yop kim , dr . kyung - won kim and dr , chung jee visited the center 1中韓建交前夕的1991年,中心顧問季羨林教授中國教育國際交流協會李滔教授中心主任楊通方教授訪韓,進行學術交流。

By looking at how the faint light from galaxies behind the cluster they were studying was distorted by that cluster , dr jee and his team created a map of the distribution of its mass 通過觀察他們研究的星系群中的星系發出的微弱的光線是如何被該星系群所扭曲,吉博士和他的團隊創作出該星系群的質量分布圖。

You can reuse such objects across jee environments web or enterprise javabeans , standalone applications , test environments , and so on , without any hassle 可以跨j2ee環境( web或企業javabean ( ejb ) ) 、獨立應用程序、測試環境等等重用這類對象,而不會有任何麻煩。

Hibernate integrates elegantly with all popular jee application servers and web containers Hibernate與所有流行的j2ee應用程式伺服器和web容器都能夠很好地匯集。

Siu lim tau , chum kiu , biu jee , chi sau , wooden dummy , six and a half wooden pole , and butterfly knives 小念頭、尋橋、標指、 ?手、木人樁法、六點半棍、

Cash contribution to chiayi home of love , home of compassion ; cakes to home of jee - may care 贈嘉義市仁愛之家博愛仁愛之家慰問金,贈濟美仁愛之家糕點24 , 000

Siu lim tau , chum kiu , biu jee , chi sau , wooden dummy , six and a half wooden pole , and butterfly knives 小念頭尋橋標指?手木人樁法六點半棍

Min - jee , what ' s wrong 明嘉,怎么了

My name is jee hyungtae 我的名字叫金宏太

Then what about jee young - jun 把紀永軍怎么辦

Mr chan jee yat community member 陳梓溢先生社會人士

Jang nara plays an aggressive dubbing artist named hee - jee 張娜拉飾演配音員hee - jee ,性格野蠻富神經質。

Jee hyungtae and mello are one 金宏太和馬龍是同一個人

Min - jee , you know something , don ' t you 明嘉,你知道什么事,是嗎

Who are you mad at ? jee hyungtae or mello 誰令你瘋狂?金宏太還是馬龍

Return the money and bring jee young - jun back in 把錢還回去把紀永軍抓來

Hee - jee is shocked by what she sees 她看到hyun - jun赤身露體地在健身,又驚又喜。