
jebel n.〔阿拉伯語〕山,高山〔時常作阿拉伯地方名字用〕。 J...


Dubai is also working on a project to build the world ' s biggest airport at jebel ali , one that is eventually planned to have six parallel runways , with the capacity to handle more than 120m passengers a year 迪拜也在建造另一個工程項目:在杰貝阿里興建全球最大的機場,該機場計劃最終擁有6條平行跑道,每年的旅客流量將逾1 . 2億人次。

Christmas eve , report peaceful , if tonight the peaceful cantus transflux from your in a dream , so whether you thought of or not , is i span ten million in barrier jebel to do it again into the dream 平安夜,報平安,今夜如果祥和的旋律從你的夢中流過,那么你是否想到,是我跨越關山千萬重來入夢。

Pre - fabricated units for the tower will be produced in a facility set up in jebel ali ( a port 35 kilometers southwest of dubai ) 高塔的預制結構將在賈比爾?阿里(迪拜西南35公里處的一座港口)建的一處設施內制造。