
jeb n.杰布〔姓氏〕。


Secretary of state colin powell and governor jeb bush of florida visited the indian ocean region last week , meeting with fellow leaders and international organizations to assess the relief efforts and remaining needs 上星期,國務卿鮑威爾和佛羅里達州長杰布布殊前往印度洋地區訪問,會同有關國家和地區的領導人和國際組織對救災工作和后續需求進行評估。

It has been demonstrated that laminin 5 is close related to skin tissue engineering , genesis and metastasis of rumour , and inherited junctional epidermolysis bullosa ( jeb ) 該蛋白已被證實與皮膚組織工程、腫瘤的遷徙、及遺傳性大皰性表皮松懈癥( iunctionalepidermolysisbullosa , jeb )有密切的關聯。

Teachers ' forum is one of the prime strategies held by jinghu educational bureau ( jeb ) in developing jinghu to be a leading educational area in wuhu 為了積極打造教育品牌,努力實現鏡湖教育跨越式發展,促進教研組、名師自覺更新教育理念,不斷提高綜合素質,提升教育教學質量,打造教育強區。

This veteran ' s day weekend , florida governor jeb bush presented the medal to ernest charles pusey , who served on the uss wyoming from 1917 to 1919 在周末的退伍軍人節上,佛州州長小布什將這枚勛章贈給蒲西,他在1917至1919年間在懷俄明州的美國軍艦上服役。

Florida gov . jeb bush , the u . s . supreme court , congress , the white house and even the vatican became involved in the case 圍繞特麗生死權問題的爭論曾驚動了佛羅里達州州長杰布布什美國聯邦最高法院國會白宮甚至布什總統本人。

Hill ' s stay of execution also halted the death of another florida inmate on the same grounds , and governor jeb bush , a brother of president george w 基于同樣的原因,希爾的死緩使佛羅里達州的另一位死刑犯也被死緩。

Florida governor jeb bush lauds nation s first faith - based prison - media reports - the supreme master ching hai enews magazine . 148 新聞傳真-清海無上師新聞雜志第148期

Jeb wilkinson : a man has only one life time . but history can remember you forever 杰布?威爾金森:也許人只有一次生命,但你可以讓歷史永遠地記住你。

And it ' s now quite clear that governor jeb bush will not involve himself with the case 不過很明顯地,州長杰布?布什不想卷入這個案子。

Jeb wilkinson : i ' m just a man , trying to make his mark on history 杰布?威爾金森:我只是一個普通人,努力讓自己在歷史上留下印記。

Hey ! dagnabit , jeb 嘿!杰布!

Jeb : don ' t yell at me 別對著我大喊大叫的

Chuckles you don ' t know that , jeb 你不明白,杰布

[ chuckles ] you don ' t know that , jeb 你不明白,杰布

That ' s our can , and jeb took it 那是我們的罐頭,杰布搶了不說

Uh , jeb , don ' t start . - now we all get eaten 杰布-我們都要被吃掉了

- uh , jeb , don ' t start . - now we all get eaten -杰布-我們都要被吃掉了

Jeb , don ' t you have enough cans of your own 杰布,難道你的罐頭還不夠?

Piggies , why can ' t you leave jeb alone 小豬們,你們為什么不放過老杰布呢?