
jeanne n.珍妮〔女子名,Joan(n)的異體〕。


Jeanne is delighted to come to our party ; if she insists on bringing a cake , so much the better 珍妮很高興來參加我們的聚會,要是她堅持要帶蛋糕,那也好。

Jeanne is sitting in the park . mathilde walks towards her , she stops and speaks to jeanne 珍妮在公園里坐著。瑪蒂爾德向她走來,她停下來和珍妮談話。

Our development officer , jeanne morris was honored to speak with the supreme master ching hai 我們的發展部主任珍妮莫莉絲女士,有幸與清海無上師通話。

National commission on libraries and information science : chair . - jeanne hurley simon 國家圖書館和信息科學委員會:主席珍妮?赫爾利?西蒙。

Just a few days ago , we happily rallied here to give ms jeanne a warm welcome 恰好在幾天前,我們愉快地在這里歡聚一堂,熱烈歡迎珍妮女士。

Yes ? oh , jeanne 什么事?貞

Madame jeanne guyon 蓋恩夫人

It happened that mathilde met with jeanne in the park in paris after ten years 十年后瑪蒂爾德和讓娜在巴黎一個公園里碰巧相遇。

The more i see of men , the more i admire dogs . - - - madame jeanne - marie roland 我越領略人,我越喜歡狗。冷峻的話,中肯的觀點。

Let ' s ask jeanne 那就去問問珍妮吧

And jeanne and the kids 珍妮還有孩子

Jeanne is alive . - good 貞還活著-很好

- jeanne is alive . - good -貞還活著-很好

What are you doing , jeanne 你在干什么?貞

Calm down , jeanne . calm down 平靜下來,貞德

Jeanne , my dear , please 珍妮,親愛的,不要

My wife jeanne was killed 我的妻子珍妮被害

- mom , mom ! - jeanne : stay down -媽媽-坐好了

And what does jeanne think 貞德有什么想法?