
jeanette n.珍妮特〔女子名,Jeanne 的昵稱〕。


Awardee of the 2001 sanford yung scholarship , miss lee kwan tung , jeanette who has just completed her second year s studies in the school of accountancy at the chinese university of hong kong , will leave for uk next month for an eight - week training at pricewaterhousecoopers london 去年獲獎人李君彤剛在中大會計學院完成第二年課程,她將于下月前往英國,在羅兵咸永道會計師事務所倫敦辦事處接受為期八星期的海外實習訓練。

The matching of the work and the place not the institutions operating the venues , therefore , is consisted in , among many other things , actively surrendering to art , according to jeanette winterson , as a foreign country 因此,理論上,作品向內延申,如自言自語,作品亦向外延伸,成為某種回應地方舉止的舉止。理論上可行的有待在地試驗。

Green party co - leader jeanette fitzsimons said there was a risk that transplanting animal cells into people could transmit viruses in the same way that influenza originally spread from animals 綠黨的領導人之一珍妮特?菲茨西蒙斯說,將動物的細胞移植到人體內有將動物體內的病毒傳播給人的風險,就如當年將流感從動物傳播給人一樣。

Education of love 1961 . the sheltered bourgeois lifestyle of wang yin and jeanette lin cui is the opposite of the dirt - poor harshness of little sammo hung hung jinbao and his drunk of a father , zhu mu 愛的教育1961里也有相似的兩極世界王引和女兒林翠是屬于文明的小康世界,窮苦學生洪金寶和酗酒的父親朱牧則屬于另一個世界。

Twins such as jeanette meadows and her sister geneva petitt attended the event , giving them a chance to mingle with others who were born into the same situation , the cleveland plain dealer reported 據《克利夫蘭實話報》報道,孿生姐妹珍妮特?梅多斯和日內瓦?佩提特也參加了此次盛會,她們可以借此機會和別的雙胞胎們交交朋友。

Twins such as jeanette meadows and her sister geneva petitt attended the event , giving them a chance to mingle with others who were born into the same situation , the cleveland plain dealer reported 據克利夫蘭實話報報道,孿生姐妹珍妮特梅多斯和日內瓦佩提特也參加了此次盛會,她們可以借此機會和別的雙胞胎們交交朋友。

Christopher : the game was cool . and jeanette was super , wasn ' t she ? she made a lot of great saves 克里斯托弗:球賽打得很棒,珍妮特守門頂刮刮,是不是?她救起了好多險球,真了不起。

Glen : yes , jeanette ' s a good goalie . will she be at your hockey camp this summer 格倫:對,珍妮特是個守門高手。今年的冰球夏令營她去嗎?

Jeanette look good 好,不錯

Jeanette ) look good 好,不錯

Awardee of the 2001 sanford yung scholarship , miss lee kwan tung , jeanette ( 獎學金遴選委員會一致認為她是本年獎學金最適當人選。

( jeanette ) look good 好,不錯

$ 886 for jeanette . . 886美圓給讓餒特

Jeanette that ' s it , james 就這樣,詹姆斯

Jeanette ) that ' s it , james 就這樣,詹姆斯

( jeanette ) that ' s it , james 就這樣,詹姆斯

The demon is jeanette dilly 魔鬼是珍妮特迪麗

The demon is jeanette dilly . . 魔鬼是珍妮特?迪麗

A prostitute named jeanette dilly 一個妓女,珍妮特?迪麗