
jealousy n.1.妒忌,猜忌。2.小心提防,謹慎戒備。


Narrator a mixture ofmalice , jealousy and disappointment , 混合著怨恨嫉妒和絕望

You never felt jealousy , did you , miss eyre “你從來沒有嫉妒過是不是,愛小姐?

He exploded with rage , fury , jealousy , etc 他勃然大怒、暴跳如雷、妒火中燒等

However, as my jealousy increased, and held me some weeks, i was a little more circumspect, and not so familiar and kind to him as before . 可是,當時我的猜忌之心有增無減,一連好幾個星期都不能排除。我對他采取了更多的防范,并且對待他也沒有以前那么親熱了。

It fed upon his jealousy and his indifferent love-making. it came from the nights at home when he had been sleepless and frantic . 那種疑神疑鬼的心理,那種熱不起來的夫妻生活,還有在國內過慣的那種入了邪魔般的不眠之夜,都引起了他的憂慮。

What is your particular interest in this young woman? she does not seem much qualified to alarm my friend the duchess's jealousy . 你對這位年輕女子為什么特別關注呢?她似乎并沒有資格能引起我的朋友公爵夫人的嫉妒。

The superimposition of ideological conflict and personal jealousies turned inherent rivalry into obsession . 意識形態的沖突和個人之間相互不服氣交織在一起,使得固有的敵對發展到勢不兩立的地步。

The bones of jealousy was either missing in lord burne-wilke's make up, or concealed beyond detection . 嫉妒的心理在勃納-沃克勛爵的個性中如果不是根本不存在,就是給掩飾得絲毫也看不出來。

Did you ever try to excite his jealousy by boasting of a lover so far above you in station ? 你究竟有沒有對他夸說過有這樣一位身價地位比你高得多的情人,用來引起他的嫉妒?

Jealousy and resentment are not strangers to seminaries any more than they are to secular institutions . 妒忌、猜疑和怨恨在神學院里也是司空見慣的,并不比世俗的學校少。

Ehrlichman's hiring of young was not uninfluenced by the petty jealousies of the white house staff . 埃利希曼啟用揚,并非沒有受到白宮工作人員狹隘嫉妒心的影響。

She wept bitterly, and jealousy of miss glover stabbed her to the heart with sudden pain . 她痛苦地哭泣著。對格格弗小姐的妒忌,以一種突如其來的痛刺著她的心。

The stiffness of her manner, her shyness protected her from many spites and jealousies . 她的態度不太自然,有些害羞怕臊,因此免除了多少怨恨和妒忌。

Frank was all the more painful because he had no one in particular to fix his jealousy upon . 富蘭克痛苦萬分,因為他找不到一個人借以發泄他的爐火。

He would keep away from the range of london intrigues, jealousies and social truckling . 他要遠離倫敦勾心斗角,爭風吃醋、吹捧奉承的污濁氣氛。

He would keep away from the range of london intrigues, jealousies and social truckling . 他要遠離倫敦勾心斗角、爭風吃醋、吹捧奉承的污濁氣氛。

Jealousy and bitterness has been suspended: selfishness was lost in the common cause . 嫉妒和憤恨曾一時收起,由于共同的患難忘掉了自私。

In green's invective there is the starveling author's jealousy of the prosperous actor . 格林的痛罵聲里包含潦倒作家對發跡演員的嫉妒。

To make the least show extraordinary would necessarily give jealousy in the family . 打扮得同尋常有點不同,這一定會引起家里人的猜疑。