
jealous adj.1.妒忌心重的,吃醋的;出于妒忌的。2.猜疑的,...

jealous glass

You are just jealous of my success in the lord , 你只是嫉妒我在上帝面前的成就

I was jealous and hated the woman i had never seen 在他們婚后不久,我表哥就死了。

You ' re simply jealous . - knocking hood , telephone -你只是嫉妒而已-胡德,電話

You will be passionate , jealous and explosive 巨蟹座:你會熱情,妒忌,有爆發力。

And janis was , like , weirdly jealous of him 而珍尼斯呢,很奇怪,好像在妒嫉他

She is so jealous of her best friend ' s new house 她非常嫉妒她好朋友的新房子。

My brother is a genius . i ' m very jealous of him 我哥哥是一個天才.我非常羨慕他

How inappropriate would it be for me to be jealous 我要是這樣就吃醋太不恰當了

Oh , the evil is that i am not jealous , is it “啊,毛病在于我不嫉妒,是吧? ”

- no , i ' m not - nah , you are , you ' re jealous 不,我沒有嗯,你是的,你嫉妒了

Don ' t be so jealous of what your friends have 不要這樣羨慕你的朋友所有的東西。

We also measured the thickness of every book-cover, with the most accurate admeasurement, and applied to each the most jealous scruting of the microscope . 我們還測量了每本書封面的厚度,計算得極為準確,對每一本都用顯微鏡百般挑剔地檢查過。

No ordinary president would have accepted such a state of affairs, least of all one so jealous of his public image as nixon . 因為一般的總統都不會容忍這種狀況,更不用提尼克松那樣十分計較自己在公眾面前形象的總統了。

Hopkins was, of course, jealous about his personal influence with his chief and did not encourage american competitors . 當然,霍普金斯妒忌他人分享他個人對領袖所起的影響,也容不下美國人中的競爭者。

He could even want but without envy, without sorrow, certainly never with that ravening and jealous rage before him . 他這一欲望中決不夾雜著羨慕或遺憾之情,當然更從未有過那種貪婪和妒忌勾起的憤怒。

She is now a fat, red-faced, old dame of seventy, or thereabouts, fond of her place, and jealous of her authority . 現在她卻是個七十上下年紀,肥胖的,紅臉的老太婆了。她要于其位,唯恐失掉威勢。

He was extremely nervous and extremely jealous and he covered his nervous jealousy with an ebullient friendliness . 他惶恐不安,嫉妒萬分,然而,他卻擺出熱情友善的姿態來掩飾不安的嫉忌心理。

Mrs. penniman rose with considerable majesty “my poor child, are you jealous of me?“ she inquired . 佩尼曼太太站起身來,露出一副自命不凡的樣子。“可憐的孩子,你是不是嫉妒我了?”她問道。

If any were perchance disposed to be jealous and critical before that, they experienced a change of heart, now . 在那以前,也許還有人嫉妒我,老愛挑鼻子挑眼兒,如今可就人人都革面洗心了。