
jd 短語和例子JD =1.〔拉丁語〕 Jurum Docto...

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Based on the questions in the second production line of jd cement share company , such as the management of real time production data , the issuing of statistic data and the supervising of the production network , a new cement management information system of browser / server pattern is designed and implemented , in which locale data collection , transmission , storing , management , and also network real time supervising are accomplished 在此基礎上,針對冀東水泥股份公司二線生產管理信息系統存在的諸多問題,如實時生產數據管理、統計數據發布和生產網絡監控等,設計并實施了一個從現場數據采集、傳輸、存儲、管理到網絡實時監控的新型瀏覽器/服務器水泥管理信息系統。

Prof . michael ferguson , associate dean , graduate studies , faculty of business administration said , in view of the increasingly important role of china in the world economy and hong kongs unique competitive edge as a gateway to china , the jd mba programme pays great emphasis on china focus with dedicated courses on china business and mainland commercial law 中文大學工商管理學院副院長(研究院課程)范杰信教授介紹jd / mba課程的特色:隨著中國在世界經濟舞臺扮演著日益重要的角色,而香港是中國對外開放的重要橋梁,我們相信香港必須把握這難得的機遇。故此jd / mba其中一項課程重點,是教授中國商業及中國商業法規。

The synthesizing process can be finished in a single kettle . not only technology is very simple , but also the reaction time is shortened , therefore , the production efficiency is obviously increased . the general performances of modified melamine resin superplasticizer jd can be furthermore improved by compounding amino - arylsulphonate phenol formaldehyde condensate superplasticizer hpp 使用廉價的活性單體尿素取代三聚氰胺單體以降低高效減水劑的生產成本,并將取代量提高到了目前最高水平17 ;合成在一個反應釜中完成,工藝簡單,反應時間縮短,提高了生產效率;本文通過物理改性的手段,即復配氨基磺酸鹽高效減水劑hpp ,可進一步改善改性密胺樹脂高效減水劑的綜合性能。

By compounding jd with hpp , the “ overlapping effect “ of two kind superplasticizers was fully manifested . the compatibility of jd with cement and keeping slump value were more improved through this compounding way . meantime , the bleeding and segregation of hpp were overcome too Jd和hpp復合使用,可充分發揮高效減水劑的“疊加效應” ,進一步提高jd與水泥的適應性,坍落度保持性能,也克服了氨基磺酸鹽高效減水劑泌水離析等缺陷。

In the synthesizing process , the ph value in hydroxymethylated stage , the reaction time , temperature and the moore ratio of sodium bisulfate to melamine in the sulfonated stage , and die ph value in the condensation stage , are important factors influencing on the performance of jd 在合成過程中,羥甲基化階段的ph值,磺化階段的ph值、時間、溫度和投料摩爾比,縮合階段的ph值等對減水劑性能影響顯著。

Collect and analysis the quality information after sales ( iccd , gqrs , jd - power , warranty , pcr ) , design quality information report forms , track the corrective action status and confirm the effectiveness of corrective actions as per quality information 對售后質量相關信息( iccd , gqrs , jd - power ,售后服務報告,經銷商驗車報告)進行收集和分析,編制相關質量信息報表,并根據相關質量數據跟蹤質量問題的改進情況。

The programmes with the best admission results include physics , economics , professional accountancy , global business studies , sociology , insurance , financial and actuarial analysis , bba jd , pharmacy , medical studies see tables below 收生成績最好的課程/專修范圍分別為物理、經濟學、專業會計學、環球商業學、社會學、保險、財務與精算學、工商管理法律博士、藥劑學、醫學等(見附表) 。

In my opinion , future leaders that the jd mba programme grooms will have a definite edge in the increasingly competitive environment . the jd mba double degree programme could be completed in 3 years of full - time study or 5 years of part - time study 中大的jd / mba雙學位課程可于三年(全日制)或五年(兼讀制)內完成,現時已開始接受報名,截止報名日期為2007年3月31日。

Ms erica chan and mr vincent leung are currently part - time jd students of the university , both of them have already possessed high - level business qualification of executive mba and have acquired significant achievements in their business career 陳念慈及梁偉業是中大法律博士課程的同學,同時擁有行政人員工商管理碩士學位,并在商界發展取得一定的成績。

Based on the reaction principle of traditional aminosulfonic - based superplasticizers , the cheap modifier was added in the synthesizing process , so the production costs of superplasticizer ash - jd can be decreased by 17 % 以傳統氨基磺酸鹽高效減水劑合成原理為基礎,在合成反應過程中加入了廉價的改性單體u ,使產品ash - jd的成本降低17 。

Aa , ab , jd , etc . up to the next prefix following the current series being issued . e . g . if the current series being issued is jj , you can reserve a mark for auction in the jk series 英文字母可以是以往的字母系列如a a a b h k b e等,也可從最近的字母系列的下一組字母中選出例如最近的英文字母系列是j j ,你便可以申請預留j k的號碼拍賣。

To convert a julian day number to a calendar date , enter the jd in the upper portion of the dialog , and click the convert to calendar button to fill in the lower portion of the dialog with the equivalent calendar date 在上部的對話框中輸入相應的儒略日,并點擊“轉換到歷日期” ,下面的歷日期對話框中就會出現相應的時間。

After these researches , the equations for densification kinetics of jd and ty materials are established . the effect of sintering time on the phase structure and microstructure was also investigated 此外還研究了兩種材料的燒結收縮行為,并建立了jd材料和ty材料的燒結動力學方程。

The llb programme will admit students in 2006 and the pcll in 2007 . a jd programme to provide legal education for graduates in non - law subjects will be offered in 2006 中大計劃于二零零六至零七年度招收首批四年制法律學士( llb )學生,并將開辦法學博士( jurisdoctor ( jd ) )課程。

Gottsch jd . liu sh , minkovitz jb . et al . autoimmunity to a cornea - associated stromal antigen in patients with mooren ' s ulcer . invest ophthalmol vis sci , 1995 , 36 : 1541 王錚.陳家祺,陳龍山,等.板層角膜移植聯合環孢霉素a滴眼治療蠶蝕性角膜潰瘍.中國實用眼科雜志, 1996 , 14 : 283

When the substituting ratio of urea reach up to 17 % , the costs of jd can be obviously decreased , but the water - reducing ratio of jd did n ' t come down 在加入17尿素的情況下,改性密胺樹脂高效減水劑jd的減小率沒有降低,成本卻大幅度下降。

In one word . hr dept set the tone and be an expert in the whole process . they didn ' t involving in draft the content of jd at the very beginning 一句話. hr部門在整個過程中設定基調,提供專業幫助.他們最在流程初期并不會進行工作說明書內容的撰寫

The jd mba programme brings to asia , for the first time , an articulated postgraduate double - degree combining law and business leadership 新開辦的jd / mba課程是全亞洲首個將法律專業知識與商業領袖才能培訓相互銜接的研究院雙學位課程。

The multilayer composites ( cof3 # ) were prepared at 900 c by cofiring jd ferroelectrics and ty ferrite using tape casting processes 7h時,差別因子小于1 ,繼續增加保溫時間時,界面處晶粒尺寸將小于遠離界面區域的晶粒尺寸。