
jazz n.1.爵士音樂,爵士舞(曲)。2.〔美俚〕爵士音樂風格...

jazz band

Jazz - rock n & ; amp; acute ; roll style character 爵士:奔放的搖滾樂型角色。

The jazz band gave out with quick rhythms 爵士樂隊狂熱地奏出了快速的旋律。

I challenge anyone to listen to fusion jazz 我向這里每一位挑戰,去聽看看融合爵士樂

And used to play drums with the jazz band on weekends 周末還經常在爵士樂隊中擊鼓。

Okay , you babes of jazz , let ' s pick up the pace 好的,爵士美女們,讓我們加快速度。

He ' s sitting in the dark , listening to a little smooth jazz , 他坐在暗處,聽著爵士樂

- there ' s no way i ' m listening to jazz for 5 years 這不可能,我得把爵士樂再聽五年!

There ' s no way i ' m listening to jazz for 5 years 這不可能,我得把爵士樂再聽五年!

It isn ' t jazz or nothing , but you know 它不是爵士樂或是其他東西,但是。 。 。

Jazz probably had its roots in the 19 th century 爵士樂或許真正源于19世紀。

And there we find similarities with jazz 在那里我們找到了和爵士樂的共同點。

Angus : sure , just don ' t put down jazz 安格斯:當然可以,不過不要把爵士樂貶低咯。

The whole time you ' ve been jazzing him . - goddamn it 你一直在和他來往。 -媽的!

And used to play drums with the jazz band on weekends 末還經常在揪士樂隊中鼓。

- the whole time you ' ve been jazzing him . - goddamn it -你一直在和他來往。 -媽的!

It was my younger brother who introduced me to jazz 是我的弟弟介紹我聽爵士樂的。

He ever played with a bunch of jazz legends 他曾經與很多爵士樂的傳奇人物合作過。

A place to call your own and all that jazz 一個屬于你自己的、諸如此類的地方?

He added some jokes to jazz the meeting up 他加了點笑話讓會議變得生動有趣些。