
jaywalk vi.〔美口〕(不遵守交通規則)亂穿馬路。 No jay...


Among them , 2 , 961 cases involved casualties while another 21 were fatal traffic accidents . of the traffic accidents occurred on hong kong island with persons injured or died , 979 cases involved pedestrians and half of these accidents were attributed to jaywalking 在港島區發生而又牽涉有人受傷或死亡的交通意外中,有九百七十九宗是牽涉行人,其中逾五成是不顧交通情況橫過馬路的人士。

Of the traffic accidents with persons injured or died , 147 cases involved pedestrians , of which about 58 per cent were caused by jaywalking . road users are reminded that jaywalking is an offence liable to a maximum penalty of $ 2 000 這些有人受傷或死亡的交通意外中,有一百四十七宗牽涉行人,當中有百分之五十八更是行人在不顧及交通情況下橫過馬路時所致。

Regular anti - jaywalking operations are carried out jointly by kcr light rail and the police at major light rail pedestrian crossings to warn and prosecute pedestrians and cyclists who fail to observe traffic regulations 九廣輕鐵與警方定期在一些繁忙的輕鐵過路處采取聯合行動,向違反交通規則橫過馬路的行人及單車使用者進行檢控或予以警告。

A total of 219 fixed penalty tickets were issued for illegal parking and other parking offences . a total of 234 pedestrians and 115 drivers were verbally warned for committing jaywalking and other minor traffic offences 此外,二百三十四名行人及一百一十五名駕駛人士因涉及胡亂橫過馬路或觸犯其他輕微交通違例事項,遭警方發出口頭警告。

A total of 230 fixed penalty tickets were issued for illegal parking and other parking offences . a total of 183 pedestrians and 119 drivers were verbally warned for committing jaywalking and other minor traffic offences 此外,一百八十三名行人及一百一十九名司機因涉及胡亂橫過馬路或觸犯其他輕微交通違例事項,遭警方發出口頭警告。

About 60 per cent of these 780 cases were caused by jaywalking . according to the statistics , more than 30 per cent of the traffic accidents involving casualties on hong kong island were reported in eastern district 這些有人受傷或死亡的交通意外中,有近七百八十宗牽涉行人,當中有近六成更是行人在不顧及交通情況下橫過馬路時所致。

Another 224 fixed penalty tickets were issued for illegal parking and other parking offences . a total of 108 pedestrians and 174 drivers were verbally warned for committing jaywalking and other minor traffic offences 此外,一百零八名行人及一百七十四名駕駛人士因涉及胡亂橫過馬路或觸犯其他輕微交通違例事項,遭警方發出口頭警告。

Another 262 fixed penalty tickets were issued for illegal parking and other parking offences . a total of 168 pedestrians and 235 drivers were verbally warned for committing jaywalking and other minor traffic offences 此外,一百六十八名行人及二百三十五名司機因涉及胡亂橫過馬路或觸犯其他輕微交通違例事項,而遭警方發出口頭警告。

Another 196 fixed penalty tickets were issued for illegal parking and other parking offences . a total of 111 pedestrians and 44 drivers were verbally warned for committing jaywalking and other minor traffic offences 此外,一百一十一名行人及四十四名駕駛人士因涉及胡亂橫過馬路或觸犯其他輕微交通違例事項,遭警方發出口頭警告。

Another 271 fixed penalty tickets were issued for illegal parking and other parking offences . a total of 186 pedestrians and 72 drivers were verbally warned for committing jaywalking and other minor traffic offences 此外,一百八十六名行人及七十二名駕駛人士因涉及胡亂橫過馬路或觸犯其他輕微交通違例事項,遭警方發出口頭警告。

Another 257 fixed penalty tickets were issued for illegal parking and other parking offences . a total of 78 pedestrians and 301 drivers were verbally warned for committing jaywalking and other minor traffic offences 此外,七十八名行人及三百零一名駕駛人士因涉及胡亂橫過馬路或觸犯其他輕微交通違例事項,遭警方發出口頭警告。

Another 242 fixed penalty tickets were issued for illegal parking and other parking offences . a total of 171 pedestrians and 26 drivers were verbally warned for committing jaywalking and other minor traffic offences 此外,一百七十一名行人及二十六名司機因涉及胡亂橫過馬路或觸犯其他輕微交通違例事項,遭警方發出口頭警告。

Another 235 fixed penalty tickets were issued for illegal parking and other parking offences . a total of 80 pedestrians and 82 drivers were verbally warned for committing jaywalking and other minor traffic offences 此外,八十名行人及八十二名司機因涉及胡亂橫過馬路或觸犯其他輕微交通違例事項,遭警方發出口頭警告。

Among them , 21 were fatal traffic accidents . of the traffic accidents with persons injured or died , 817 cases involved pedestrians , of which about 50 per cent were caused by jaywalking 這些有人受傷或死亡的交通意外中,有八百一十七宗牽涉行人,當中有百分之五十是因為行人在未有顧及交通情況下橫過馬路所致。

Of the public who are found jaywalking . they will also be educated on road safety at a road safety mobile classroom situated at the junction of king s 在首兩日的行動中,交通部人員會向胡亂過路的途人發出口頭警告,并會邀請違例過路人士前往設立在英皇道及糖水道交界的流動教室,教導他們有關道路安全知識。

In addition , motorists should always show consideration for pedestrians , even if they are jaywalking ; give motor - cyclists and cyclists the same rights and courtesies as any other vehicles 此外,駕駛人應顧及行人即使是胡亂過路的行人,并且同樣注意騎電單車者和騎單車者的行車權利,以禮相待。

Drivers have the legal and moral responsibility to take proper care to avoid accidents with pedestrians at all times and places - even if the pedestrian is jaywalking 無論何時何地,即使行人胡亂橫過馬路,駕駛人在法律上和道義上,均有責任,提防和避免撞倒行人。

Actually , if those don ' ts and mustn ' ts are meant to prevent such nuisances as spitting , killer - littering , and reckless jaywalking , i would rather accept them willingly 如果對隨地吐痰亂穿馬路高樓拋物的懲罰也算是“清規戒律” ,我倒愿意“受戒” 。

While being catapulted into the sky at the end of a giant rubber band is now allowed , jaywalking at bus stations is forbidden 把人拴在巨大的橡皮帶的一端,一下子射到天上的蹦極運動雖然已經得到批準,但是市民在公共汽車站嚴禁違反交通規則。