
jayvee n.〔美國〕大學運動隊二隊(或其成員)〔源出 junio...


I was helping to coach the laney varsity , ” said ron coley . “ we went over to goldsboro , which was our big rival , and i entered the gym when the jayvee game was just ending up 羅?康利說: “我一直幫忙在蘭尼的運動隊做教教練,當我第一次看到邁克爾?喬丹時,還不知道他是誰。

“ we went over to goldsboro , which was our big rival , and i entered the gym when the jayvee game was just ending up (我們去與勁敵哥爾茲保羅隊打比賽,當我進到體育館時,二隊的比賽就要結束了。 )

The entire varsity began to come early so they could watch him play in the jayvee games (為了能看到有他參加的二隊比賽,整個校隊的隊員都開始提早到場。 )

He was so good , in fact , that the jayvee games became quite popular (確實,他突出的表現使二隊的比賽倍受歡迎。 )

He was so good , in fact , that the jayvee games became quite popular 那天他獨自回了家進屋后便大哭起來。

He easily became the best player on the jayvee that year (那一年他輕松地成了二隊中最出色的隊員。 )