
jay n.1.【動物;動物學】樫鳥。2.〔口語〕愛嘮叨的傻瓜。...


Is hosting bill clinton , jay - z , and kofi annan 要宴請比爾?克林頓jay - z 、還有科菲?安南

Andy ) jay . be tough , andy , you got it 杰伊-堅強點,安迪,你能挺過來的

Because of “ jay love “ , we can ' t say goodbye 因為杰倫的愛,我們不能說再見

( jay ) you got it . the first one is the only one that hurts 你已經挺過來了,就第一下疼

How many autograph session have jay ' s held in malaysia 杰倫在馬來西亞舉辦幾場簽唱會?

Millennium park has music in the jay pritzker pavilion 千禧公園露天音樂廳可以聽音樂。

Well , jay , i ' ve never been much of a tournament player 杰,我不太跟錦標賽的選手打交道

You mean , so jay won ' t know the truth 你的意思是,這樣jay就不會知道真相了

It ' s cool . oh , it ' s cool . i almost forgot , jay 沒什么事?哦,沒什么事我差點忘了,杰

Andy jay . be tough , andy , you got it -杰伊-堅強點,安迪,你能挺過來的

In this story , it is a mysterious jay chou record 于是,她走遍大街小巷要尋回那唱片。

Suck my inner ear , jay boy . fucking dick 去你的內耳,杰小弟該死的龜蛋!

Okay , our next contestant , jay “ jay boy “ adams 好,下一位選手是杰, “杰小弟” ?亞當斯

But don ' t takejay and chedda with you , you asshole 但不要讓jay和chedda為你陪葬,混蛋

When jay zhou comes , all the fans are excitied 當周杰倫來時,所有的影迷都感到激動。

Glauber salts . o jays , into the men s porter 哦,天哪,往那些人的黑啤酒里撒了一泡。

There goes “ jay boy “ adams , first practice run 出場的是“杰小弟” ?亞當斯第一次試滑

Jay you got it . the first one is the only one that hurts 你已經挺過來了,就第一下疼

Without a doubt , taiwan ' s king of pop is jay chou 周杰倫無疑是最大的熱門。