
jawbone n.1.腭骨,頜骨,牙床骨。2.〔美俚〕借貸;借到的款子...


Police arrested 315 people in a joint anti - crime operation concluded early this morning ( october 12 ) . following extensive investigations , police officers attached to the kowloon west region , together with officers from the immigration department , customs & excise department and television and entertainment licensing authority mounted the joint operation codenamed “ jawbone “ since 7 pm yesterday ( october 11 ) 經過深入調查后,西九龍總區人員聯同入境處、海關及影視及娛樂事務管理處人員由昨晚(十月十一日)七時開始在區內進行名為顎骨行動的聯合行動。

Following extensive investigations , police officers attached to the kowloon west region , together with officers from the immigration department , customs & excise department and television and entertainment licensing authority mounted the joint operation codenamed “ jawbone “ since 7 am yesterday ( august 20 ) morning 經過深入調查后,西九龍總區人員聯同入境處、海關及影視及娛樂事務管理處人員由昨日上午七時開始在區內進行名為顎骨行動的聯合行動。

Nonetheless , the euro is not immune to jawboning from european politicians such as french president jacques chirac , german chancellor gerhard schroeder or even their finance / economists lieutenants nicolas sarkozy and hans eichel 然而,歐元并不能避免來自歐元區政治家們的口頭影響,比如法國總統雅克.希拉克,德國總理施羅德,甚至于是他們的金融/經濟副手尼姑拉絲.薩科奇以及漢斯.艾舍爾。

When replacement teeth are engineered , for instance , they will ideally be grown in their permanent location so that they can create nerve and blood vessel connections and physically attach themselves to the jawbone 例如,要制造替代牙齒時,最理想的情形是讓它生長在固定的位置,如此一來,替代牙齒便可以發展出神經與血管連線,并且可以直接附著到頜骨。

Muzzle - - the muzzle , proportionately developed in length , width and depth , has a shape influenced first through the formation of both jawbones , second through the placement of the teeth , and third through the texture of the lips 口吻:長度、寬度及深度比例勻稱,構成口吻輪廓的首先是上下顎,其次是牙齒的位置,第三是嘴唇。

A groan from barrois , accompanied by a yawn which seemed to crack the very jawbones , attracted the attention of m . d avrigny ; he left m . noirtier , and returned to the sick man 巴羅斯發出一聲呻吟,接著又噓出一口氣,仿佛他的牙床骨已經裂開了這兩種聲音又把阿夫里尼先生的吸引了過去,他離開諾瓦蒂埃先生,回到病人那兒。

Tooth crowding occurs if there is inadequate room for all permanent teeth to erupt or when the permanent premolars erupt and the growth of the jawbone stablizes 牙齒排列不整齊由于恒齒的體積比乳齒大,恒齒長出時可能不夠空位,引致牙齒排列參差不齊。

Due to the fact that dental implants are embedded to the jawbone , the fitting is consequently very stable , particularly noticeable during eating and speaking 因為是植入在牙槽骨上,種植牙較為堅固穩定,這一優點在進食和說話時尤其突出。

And it came to pass , when he had made an end of speaking , that he cast away the jawbone out of his hand , and called that place ramathlehi 說完這話,就把那腮骨從手里拋出去了。那地便叫拉末利希。

Tooth spacing occurs if there is excessive space in the jawbone . treatment varies from case to case 牙齒排列出現空隙,最主要的原因是恒齒的體積跟發育中的頜骨不配合。

When he had finished speaking , he threw the jawbone from his hand ; and he named that place ramath - lehi 士15 : 17說完這話、就把那腮骨從手里拋出去了那地便叫拉末利希。

And he found a new jawbone of an ass , and put forth his hand , and took it , and slew a thousand men therewith 15他見一塊未乾的驢腮骨,就伸手拾起來,用以擊殺一千人。

The oldest fossils , a jawbone teeth and a toe bone found in ethiopia , date to 5 . 3 million years 最舊的化石jawbone牙和腳趾骨頭發現了在埃塞俄比亞,日期對5 . 3百萬年。

He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey , so he reached out and took it and killed a thousand men with it 士15 : 15他見一塊未乾的驢腮骨、就伸手拾起來用以擊殺一千人。

When he finished speaking , he threw away the jawbone ; and the place was called ramath lehi 17說完這話、就把那腮骨從手里拋出去了那地便叫拉末利希。

Finding a fresh jawbone of a donkey , he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men 15他見一塊未干的驢腮骨,就伸手拾起來,用以擊殺一千人。

The outer point on either side of the lower jaw at which the jawbone angles upward 下頜角點下顎兩側的突出點,在這此下顎骨向上彎曲

In the past jawboning had some effect 在過去, “強烈呼吁”起到了部分作用。

In the past jawboning had some effect 開始的時候泡沫威脅論還有一定的效果。