
jaw n.1.頜,顎。2.〔 pl.〕上下頜,口部,口腔。3....

jaw breaker

I got tired of her jawing away all the time 她總是嘮叨個沒完沒了,真讓我厭煩。

Suddenly tom straightened up and hitting upward, with his closed fist, struck the soldier, not too hard, so as not to discourage him, along the side of the jaw . 突然間,湯姆挺直身子,攥緊拳頭朝上打去,一拳打在大兵的下顎邊上,打得不太重,不讓對方一下子就泄氣。

Outside, natalie pulls the handkerchief off an almost unchanged face; sharper, paler still beautiful, the mouth thinner, the jaw set harder . 一到外面,娜塔麗就拉下手帕,露出了一張幾乎沒變樣的臉;更瘦削、更蒼白,仍然很美,嘴唇顯得更薄,下巴顯得更堅定。

A pair of razorsharp incisor tasks jut forward from the lower jaw and grind against two blunter versions in the upper jaw . 象剃刀那樣鋒利的一對門牙從下顎向前突出,可以與上顎的兩顆較粗鈍的牙對稱嚼食。

Edward was lying in bed on his back, with a handkerchief bound round his jaw to hold it up, his hands crossed . 愛德華仰躺在床上,有一條手帕綁著他的下巴頦,使其不致落下;他的雙手交叉著。

As he moved onward, cadmus retreated before him, holding his spear opposite to the monster's opened jaws . 它朝卡德摩斯一點一點地逼過來,卡德摩斯邊退邊用長矛在那怪物的大嘴前挑逗。

The doctor straightens and turns: bushy hair, a heavy square face, a hard big jaw . 大夫挺直身子,轉過身來:濃密的沙色頭發,寬闊的方臉,結實有力的大顎。

Byron sat with his head thrust down and forward, his face white, the muscles in his jaw working . 拜倫朝前俯著身子,低著頭,臉色蒼白,下巴的肌肉直抽動。

The upper and lower jaws possess straight tooth rows and the jaw arches are almost rectangular in shape . 上、下頜具有直的齒列,而頜弓幾乎呈直角形。

To disclose the name of his latest purchases would be like walking into the jaws of disdain . 要他宣布最近買了些什么畫,等于把自己送進輕蔑的虎口。

A woman's cowardice can be so absolute as to cast her into the jaws of her aversion . 女人的懦弱會不會如此強烈,以致把她投入她厭惡的人的血盆大口。

She jawed him for making an exhibition of himself, scolding as though he were a ten-year-old . 她連聲怪他這樣大出洋相,拿他當十歲的孩子似的數落。

“what's the good of jawing about a man when we haven't a chance of seeing any of his work? “ “沒完沒了提他干什么?我們又沒有看到過他的作品。”

The pale eyes seemed to glare past her, the eyebrows frowned, the long jaw hardened . 那雙灰白的眼睛仿佛看穿了她的身子,眉頭皺著,長下巴發僵。

Gondin sized the new comer up with a lengthy stare, thrust out a heavy jaw . 岡定長久地凝視這個來客,把他仔細打量了一番,接著翹起沉重的下顎。

People often prefer the use of one eye or foot, or even of one side of the jaw . 有些人往往喜歡更多地使用一只眼或一只腳,甚或使用一邊牙齒。

Dr. meade bit his lip and his jaw hardened as his face went cool again . 米醫生咬了一下嘴唇,隨即面孔又變冷漠了,嘴邊又出現強硬的樣子。

Not all the ants go out for food . some have extra powerful jaws . 并不是所有的螞蟻都出去采食物。有些螞蟻的上下顎特別有力。

Each clenched his fists and set his jaw when the order came to arrest the secret agents . 聽說去抓特務,一個個都摩拳擦掌。