
javelin n.標槍,投槍。

javelin formation

Besides their musical talents , they are also outstanding sportsmen . grace is a javelin player while both ling - cheung and hang - chi are outstanding swimmers 她們三位均獲取了香港中文大學運動員獎學金,音樂造詣深厚之馀,亦是體育健將,蔣頌恩乃標槍運動員而梁泠漳及羅杏芝則是游泳健將。

And saul sought to smite david even to the wall with the javelin ; but he slipped away out of saul ' s presence , and he smote the javelin into the wall : and david fled , and escaped that night 撒上19 : 10掃羅用槍想要刺透大衛、釘在墻上他卻躲開、掃羅的槍刺入墻內當夜大衛逃走躲避了。

The javelin is made of aluminum and other light weight materials . poles are built with fiberglass alloys . “ phase change “ materials are now being developed for sportswear 標槍現在由鋁和其他的輕型材料制成;撐桿由玻璃纖維合金制成; “階段變化”材料也正被開發出來用于制作運動服。

His covering was a lion ' s hide , and besides his javelin he carried in his hand a lance , and in his breast a bold heart , a surer reliance than either 他身披獅皮,一手拿矛,一手持鏢,但他胸中的那顆勇者之心是比這兩件利器還要可靠的必勝的依據。

Sebrle climbed his way from fourth and took the lead only after the javelin , the ninth of the 10 events , with a throw of 70 . 52 metres 塞布勒在之前的比賽一直落后,憑借第九項標槍比賽中70米52的出色戰績,捷克人一句取得了領先,并最終奪冠。

Five skills : a beach bar 3 2 4 dodge jump 5 javelin familiar with the few skills , start your way to escape it . enter the name of the game 五項技能: 1游泳2單杠3躲閃4跳躍5標槍熟悉了這幾個技能之后,就開始你的逃脫之路吧。

Introduction : you are a primitive tribal curs , the weather was fine when holding javelin hunting bar , a casual excursions carefully 你是一個原始部落的小人,天氣晴朗的時候,拿著標槍去打獵吧,小心小鳥的便便哦!

For joshua did not withdraw his hand with which he stretched out the javelin until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of ai 書8 : 26約書亞沒有收回手里所伸出來的短槍、直到把艾城的一切居民、盡行殺滅。

Cadmus next threw his javelin , which met with better success , for it penetrated the serpent ' s scales and pierced through to his entrails 卡德摩斯緊接著投出了長矛。這一手倒還奏效,長矛穿過鱗片刺入了蛇的內臟。

Five skills : a beach bar 3 2 4 dodge jump 5 javelin familiar with the few skills , start your way to escape it 五項技能: 1游泳2單杠3躲閃4跳躍5標槍熟悉了這幾個技能之后,就開始你的逃脫之路吧。

And saul cast the javelin ; for he said , i will smite david even to the wall with it . and david avoided out of his presence twice 11掃羅把槍一掄,心里說,我要將大衛刺透,釘在墻上。大衛躲避他兩次。

You are a primitive tribal curs , the weather was fine when holding javelin hunting bar , a casual excursions carefully 你是一個原始部落的小人,天氣晴朗的時候,拿著標槍去打獵吧,小心小鳥的便便哦!

She can learn peeping nightowl , web of spike , throwing javelin , moon glaive , and air strike . make an excellent striker 能學習窺視夜梟,刺網,投擲鏢槍,銀月飛刀,和空襲.是一個優秀的強襲者

And saul cast a javelin at him to smite him : whereby jonathan knew that it was determined of his father to slay david 33掃羅向約拿單掄槍要刺他,約拿單就知道他父親決意要殺大衛。

“ i prepared by javelin throwing , i have n ' t really practised throwing mobile phones , “ etelatalo told reuters 他說: “我一直用扔標槍來練習,我從來沒有真正練習扔過手機。 ”

6 he had bronze shin guards on his legs , and a bronze javelin was slung over his shoulders 7他的標槍柄像一枝織布機的桿木,他的矛頭鐵尖重7 . 2公斤.他的持盾人走在他前面

Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me . say to my soul , “ i am your salvation . 3抽出槍來,擋住那追趕我的;求你對我的靈魂說:我是拯救你的。

Former javelin world champion costas gatsioudis was the first runner to get the torch 前世界標槍冠軍科斯塔?蓋茨歐迪斯承擔了今年奧運火炬接力的第一棒。

The sword that reaches him has no effect , nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin 26人若用刀,用槍,用標槍,用尖槍扎它,都是無用。