
javanese adj.1.爪哇的,爪哇人的。2.爪哇語的。n.〔sin...


The so - called transmigration program , adopted by both the dutch and indonesian governments , has had negative effects on the interaction among javanese and many aboriginal people on remote islands 實施有近百年的境內族群遷徙計畫也是引發印尼族群沖突的因素之一。

Unless javanese and other indonesian peoples share some kind of consensus , these ethnic conflicts will become a time - bomb in indonesian society 除非以爪哇人為主的各族群能夠體會到互信互諒以及和平共存的重要性,否則族群問題仍然會是印尼社會的不定炸彈。

Language : bahasa indonesia ( based primarily on malay ) is the official language . english , dutch and about 25 local languages ( primarily javanese ) are also used 語言:印尼語為官方語言,英語、荷蘭語和大約25種地方語言(主要是爪哇語)也使用。

Language : dutch is the official language . other languages include english , surinamese , hindu suriname hindustani , and javanese 語言:荷蘭語為官方語言,其它語言包括英語、蘇里南興都斯坦語和瓜哇語。

That evening , supreme master ching hai wore a traditional royal javanese costume , which made us , the indonesians , feel proud 清海無上師這次穿著爪哇貴族傳統服飾,使我們印尼民族引以為榮。

Master looked so noble and graceful , like a gentle and charming javanese princess 那么高貴那么合宜,宛如爪哇王室公主般柔美的師父,令印尼眾賓傾心。

For some years the javanese attacks placed palembang in dire peril . 在幾年內爪哇人的進攻,看來已使巴鄰旁處于極度危險之中。