
javan adj.,n.=Javanese.


And i will set a sign among them , and i will send those that escape of them unto the nations , to tarshish , pul , and lud , that draw the bow , to tubal , and javan , to the isles afar off , that have not heard my fame , neither have seen my glory ; and they shall declare my glory among the gentiles 賽66 : 19我要顯神跡或作記號在他們中間、逃脫的我要差到列國去、就是到他施、普勒、拉弓的路德、和土巴、雅完、并素來沒有聽見我名聲、沒有看見我榮耀遼遠的海島他們必將我的榮耀傳揚在列國中。

And i will set a sign among them and will send those who have escaped from them unto the nations : to tarshish , put , and lud , to those who draw the bow ; to tubal and javan , to the distant coastlands that have not heard my fame nor seen my glory ; and they will declare my glory among the nations 19我要在他們中間顯神跡,又從他們中間把逃脫的人差到列國去,就是到他施、弗和路德那些拉弓的人那里,到土巴和雅完,到素來沒有聽見我名聲,沒有看見我榮耀的遼遠海島;他們必將我的榮耀傳揚在列國中。

Lincoln was fulfill a wish to enter the jail factory and see a younger brother , the scofiled was virtuous to think the javan impossible affair , lincoln displayed to conceal in the secret in the tattoo toward him : the design blue print of the sona jail 林肯如愿進入了監獄工廠并見到了弟弟,斯科菲爾德認為越獄是根本不可能的事情,林肯向他展示了隱藏在紋身中的秘密: sona監獄的設計藍圖。

For i will bend judah for myself , and i will fill a bow with ephraim ; and i will stir up your sons , o zion , against your sons , o javan ; and i will make you like a warrior ' s sword 13因為我必拿猶大作我上弦的弓,拿以法蓮作我張弓的箭;錫安哪,我要激動你的眾子,攻擊雅完的眾子,使你如勇士的刀。

The pieces come from four of the five types of rhino : white , black , indian and sumatran . the javan rhino is so rare that a sample could not be collected 這四塊糞便產自四種不同的犀牛,分別是白犀牛、黑犀牛、印度犀牛和蘇門答臘犀牛。由于爪哇犀牛十分稀有,因此未能收集到這種犀牛的糞便樣本。

The pieces come from four of the five types of rhino : white , black , indian and sumatran . the javan rhino is so rare that a sample could not be collected 這四塊糞便產自四種不同的犀牛,分別是白犀牛、黑犀牛、印度犀牛和蘇門答臘犀牛。由于,因此未能收集到這種犀牛的糞便樣本。

Javan , tubal , and meshech , they were thy merchants : they traded the persons of men and vessels of brass in thy market 結27 : 13雅完人、土巴人、米設人、都與你交易他們用人口和銅器、兌換你的貨物。

Javan , tubal , and meshech , they were thy merchants : they traded the persons of men and vessels of brass in thy market 雅完人、土巴人和米設人都與你通商;他們用奴隸和銅器來換取你的商品。

Dan also and javan going to and fro occupied in thy fairs : bright iron , cassia , and calamus , were in thy market 結27 : 19威但人、和雅完人、拿紡成的線、亮鐵、桂皮、菖蒲、兌換你的貨物。

And the hairy goat is the king of javan ; and the great horn which was between its eyes is the first king 21那多毛的公山羊,就是雅完王; ?兩眼之間的大角,就是頭一王。

Javan , tubal , and meshech were your traders ; they gave living men and brass vessels for your goods 雅完人,土巴人,米設人都與你交易。他們用人口和銅器兌換你的貨物。

For example , the javan mongoose herpestes javanicus was first recorded in hong kong at mai po in 1989 其他于米埔及后海灣內灣錄得的哺乳動物包括水獺

Javans helium - neon laser 文氦氖激光器

Gen 10 : 4 and the sons of javan ; elishah , and tarshish , kittim , and dodanim 創10 : 4雅完的兒子是以利沙,他施,基提,多單。

And the sons of javan : elishah and tarshish , kittim and rodanim 7雅完的子孫是以利沙、他施、基提人、羅單人。

And the sons of javan ; elishah , and tarshish , kittim , and dodanim 4雅完的兒子是以利沙,他施,基提,多單。